Cheer Up Buttercup

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Prompt:  could you pretty please do camren where camilla is getting hatefull comments about herself and she feels worthless. and ugly and she wants to end it all. and lauren tells her she's beautifull and that she loves her and omg i love youre writing xx <3  

She doesn't deserve to be in Fifth Harmony. She can't even sing, she just squeaks.

She's not even hot why is she everyone's favourite I'm confused.

Camila gets too many solo's she doesn't deserve, the other girls are way better than her. I just don't understand.

Why does everyone think Camila Cabello is hot? She just looks like a really ugly 10 year old girl.

She's so dumb and embarrassing she should just go back to Miami and forget about everything.

The words echoed through her mind over and over and over again. Endlessly. Mean comments upon mean comments upon mean comments. All about her. All tell her that she wasn't good enough and that she needed to stop. She felt the emptiness in her heart grow. Everything she'd worked for, she suddenly believed that she didn't deserve. She stared at herself in the mirror, tears streaming down her face, eyeliner and mascara smudged. She hated what she saw. And so did everybody else.

Her hands were shaking. She couldn't remember the last time she had cried so terribly, if she'd ever cried in such a manner before. She couldn't hold back the terrible noises escaping her throat as she criticized herself in front of the mirror, just as all of those people over the internet had done. And she wanted nothing more than to disappear and to end it right then and there. She didn't care how.

Camila's heart leaped out of her chest when she heard a knock on the bathroom door, "Camila, are you okay?" Lauren was asking from the other side of the door, a lot of concern in her voice, "Camila... you've been in there for a while now... It doesn't take that long to take a shower."

Camila sniffled and started to panic. Lauren would know she was crying if she came in. She could try and quickly wash her face of the smudged make-up, and even if it weren't for her bloodshot eyes, she was positive Lauren could still tell she was sad. She just seemed to have a 6th sense that revolved around Camila's feelings.

The door started to creak open and Camila screamed, "Get out, I'm naked!" She lied as she pressed herself up against the bench so Lauren couldn't see her through the crack in the door, "Lauren, I said get out!" she squealed, her voice breaking.

Nothing made Lauren sadder than seeing Camila cry. So when she poked her head around the corner, she felt her heart sink in her chest. Camila desperately tried to hide her face from Lauren as she entered the room, but Lauren knew her all too well, "Camzy, what's bothering you, baby?" Lauren said, wrapping her arms around Camila from behind, "Please don't cry, I'm begging you."

"Nothing is wrong, I'm not crying," she sniffled. Even she knew she wasn't being very convincing at all. The warmth of Lauren's arms wrapped around her body seemed to instantly improve her mood, if only slightly. So she placed her hands over Lauren's and said, "Well... people were saying... mean things about me again..."

"Oh honey, please don't—"

"No, Lauren. I... I think they're right. I mean look at me. And look at you and Dinah and Normani and Ally. All of you are so beautiful and talented and... I don't deserve to be with you girls. I'm only dragging you down. I was only put into this group because everybody felt sorry for me," Camila said, tears filling her eyes again.

Lauren pulled away from her and turned her around to face her. She pushed Camila towards the bathtub and sat her on the edge whilst she got the make-up removing wipes from her make-up bag, "Camila Cabello, you are the most beautiful girl, that I have ever known, in my entire life! You're even hotter than Normani, and Dinah, and Ally. But don't let them know I said that," she smiled as she got down on her knees, between Camila's legs, "And you're the best singer I know, definitely. Your voice is so beautiful and unique. And I could listen to it forever if you'd be willing to sing for that long. The way you close your eyes and everything just starts to overflow... it's so beautiful. You're so beautiful."

Camila's eyes were still full of tears, and she remained silent as Lauren brushed her soft hair away from her sad, sad face. Lauren's eyes were watering. Seeing Camila so sad broke her heart into pieces. She took one of the wipes and slowly started to get rid of all the messy make-up that Camila had smudged onto her face from rubbing her eyes.

"I love your eyes, the way they light up when you talk about something you love. I love the way I catch you staring at me from the other side of the room. I love it when you're singing and you look me in the eyes as if you're actually singing to me. And I love the way you close your eyes and open your mouth slightly when you feel good," Lauren said, opening Camila's mouth slightly as she leaned in closer. Camila shuddered as she felt Lauren's breath against her neck and chin, but Lauren continued, "I love your nose. Your nose is really really cute, I don't care what anyone says. I love your smile. It's so gorgeous. I love it when your smile reaches your eyes when you're genuinely happy. Your genuine smile is my favourite. It fills me with joy. And your lips are so perfect. They're always so pink and plump, and..."

Camila gasped as Lauren leaned in, pressing their lips together. The emptiness in her heart suddenly started to disappear as she held onto the older girls' shoulders. Lauren kissed her slowly but deeply, holding onto Camila's chin lightly so she could open her mouth. She sucked Camila's bottom lip into her mouth and pulled on it lightly, letting go with a quiet popping noise, "Kissable. Camila Cabello you're so goddamn kissable," Lauren smiled, wrapping her arms around Camila's waist and burying her face into her chest, "And I love you more than anything in this entire world, okay? More than anything ever. And I don't think you understand just how lost I would be without you. So cheer up buttercup. You're better than them."

Camila smiled and giggled quietly as her eyes filled with tears again, but this time the good kind. She hugged Lauren tightly, kissing the top of her head softly as she closed her eyes, "Thank you, Lauren. I love you..."

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