Word of Warning ☆

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Prompt: camila and lauren get caught making out by their parents.

Camila was lying on the couch, watching whatever happened to be on the television. She wasn't really focusing on the television though, you see. She was focusing on her girlfriend, who was sitting in the armchair next to the television. The beautiful girl was hugging her knees to her chest, a book rested on the top of her knees. Camila loved to watch her read. The way her beautiful green eyes glanced across the pages, taking in every word, every sentence, picturing the scenes and the characters inside her beautifully complex mind. Camila loved her and everything she did.

Not to mention she could usually get away with staring at Lauren without being mocked for it when the older girl's mind was absorbing whatever she was reading.

"I'm going out, I'll be back soon!" Sinu called from the door.

"Okay mama!" Camila called back.

When the door had closed, she looked back over at her girlfriend, to find her staring straight back at her. Sometimes they didn't even need words to communicate, they could just tell what one another was thinking. It wasn't so hard after all. All Camila ever wanted to do was kiss Lauren and touch Lauren and hug Lauren. That was all that went through her mind at any given time of the day. Especially when the older girl was in the room with her.

So Lauren got off of the arm chair and folded the corner of her page over as a bookmark. She set the book aside and walked over to the sofa Camila was spread out across. She looked down at her but Camila didn't move a muscle. She raised an eyebrow as if to ask her, 'Are you gonna move?' But Camila just looked at Lauren with that cheeky grin she always wore. So Lauren lifted Camila's torso and sat down on the sofa, before dropping the younger girls head in her lap.

"Pet me! Pet me!" Camila whined, reaching up and tickling under Lauren's chin. The older girl laughed and shook her head. She brought her left hand to Camila's head, where she began to run her hand through her long brown hair, lightly scratching her scalp every so often, just how Camila loved it. Camila was practically purring at the sensation that she loved so much. But she looked up at her and pouted, "Kiss me?"

"If I have to," Lauren exaggerated a sigh and lifted Camila up slightly, like a ragdoll cat. She pulled her into her lap, and wrapped her arms around her waist to keep her sitting upright. She knew if she let Camila go, she would just flop back down onto the couch because she was a lazy butt, "Do you want a kiss?" She asked, placing a finger on Camila's chin and bringing her face around, "Hm?"

Camila nodded and smiled cheekily as her eyes went from being locked onto Lauren's bright green ones, to looking down at her pink lips. Lauren just smirked and quickly closed the space between their faces, pressing her lips eagerly against the younger girls'. Camila tried her hardest not to smile so hard that she broke the kiss as she slowly turned her body around, resting her knees on either side of Lauren's hips.

"Don't get too feisty, little kitten," Lauren whispered against her lips, rubbing circles on Camila's hips with her thumbs, "You're always so quick to—"

Camila kissed her again, rather forcefully. Lauren admired how rough Camila could get sometimes. It was easy for her to get all hot and bothered that way. And she loved how Camila seemed like she would be the more submissive one in the relationship, because she certainly acted that way. But when it came down to it, Camila was the one in charge. It drove Lauren crazy for two reason; because Lauren loved to be in charge, and because she loved Camila being in charge. Most times she would then put up a fight and try to dominate Camila, but she decided to go with it.

Lauren bit down on Camila's lip and sucked it into her mouth, pulling away with a small popping noise, "You're not going to listen to me, are you?" Lauren asked, grinning widely, "You're only going to end up frustrated you know. Your mom will be back really soon and you won't have enough time to get off. And then you'll get grumpy," she said, holding Camila's face, caressing her cheeks with her thumbs, "Calm down."

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