Slow Down

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Prompt: Camren fluff where camila is actually dyslexic but she never told anyone because she was embarrassed and she's over laurens house having a hard time doing her homework and lauren notices and calms her down and helps her

   "Camila, could you explain why you haven't been doing your homework?" the teacher asked, flipping through all of the pages of her students work that she'd collected at the end of the class.

"O-oh. I thought I had it. I must have left it at home accidentally. I'll bring it to you next week?" Camila asked hopefully, as she did every other week when her English teacher asked for her homework. She crossed her fingers beneath the desk, hoping the teacher would actually listen to her this time instead of sending another paper with a big red F on it home to her very disappointed parents. 

"No, Camila. You're to bring it to me tomorrow, fully completed, or else I will not mark it, and you will fail. Again," she answered, putting the papers into the drawer of her desk, "You're dismissed." 

Camila sighed and walked out of the class, heading towards her locker. Her heart was sinking in her chest. The last thing she wanted was for her parents to yell and shout at her again about how useless she was. 'You used to be so smart, what happened to you?' they'd say to her quite often, despite the fact she'd always struggled with English her entire school life. It shattered what little self-esteem she had. 

"Camila! Camila wait up!" 

"Just leave me alone," Camila spat harshly, beginning to walk a little faster than before. 

"Camila, please," a warm hand grabbed onto Camila's elbow, pulling her backwards and making her drop all of the things she was carrying in her arms. 

"Thanks a lot, Lauren," Camila hissed, pushing the older girl away as she bent down to pick up all of her things, "I don't care what you have to say- I have to go home now." 

"Camila, you need help. Proper help. I've watched you in class and the teachers don't make any sort of effort to help even though you're clearly struggling. Let me help you. It's easy for me. Let me help you out, okay?" Lauren smiled warmly, bending down to help Camila with her things, "Are you busy tonight? You should come over to my house. Or I could walk you home."

  Camila was struggling not to cry as she bunched her things back in her arms and stood up straight, Lauren following her position, "I don't know if my parents would like that. I have to do my homework. They'll think I'm just copying you because I'm lazy." 

"You're not lazy. You're fine in art and music class. It's just that you're finding it hard and there's nothing wrong with that. Can I give you my number if you don't want me to walk you home? That way you can talk to your parents about it and then call me to let me know if you can come over? I only live a few blocks away, you know that. Please don't be like this," Lauren begged, leaning forward and brushing Camila's hair away from her eyes, as the younger girl had her hands full and wasn't able to. 

"I'll have to talk about it with my mom. Come to my locker and I'll text her," Camila said quietly, trying her hardest to control the heat in her cheeks (without much success). She headed back down the hall and stopped at her locker, "Could you please open it for me? My number is 31 13 01." 

Lauren nodded and opened the locker, revealing quite a messy, unorganized locker, with pictures of Ed Sheeran, Demi Lovato and One Direction pinned up on the door, "Cute," she smirked, taking some of the things from Camila's arms, holding them out so the younger girl could organize it. 

"Don't," she huffed in embarrassment as she shoved everything in and pulled her backpack out from the top shelf. She pulled the phone out of the front pocket and started to text her mom, knowing that she'd have her phone with her when she went to pick up Camila's younger sister. 

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