2. The Invader.

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Releasing a frustrated sigh while glancing at my watch. I looked over at my PA who was busy on driving

"Did you bought the ring ? " I impatiently asked.

He abruptly nodded a yes and took out a red velvety square box from his pocket and voiced " As you have asked. "

I took the box from his hand and opened it. The shiny rubby glanced back at me with small delicate petals covering its as boundary.
The piece was really worth for a beauty.

" Why asked for this ring while you have your grandma's ??" Cabir suddenly blurted out as he took a left turn at the street ahead.

" It's an old fashion thing Cabir. And moreover Alya is a woman of taste. " I replied glancing the other way from him.

" Yea whatever let you sleep at night." I can feel his eye roll without even looking at him.

Damn him!!
How the hell he always guess the right !!

" Where is the report of the merger of the west firm. According to me it took place yesterday right and you didn't even handed over it to me yet. I think you have taken your post as my Personal Assistant more seriously that all you do about is to invade my personal life with all your nonsense logics. " With a smirk I turned towards his side.

His eyes went wide and a something sort of a snort sounded from the back of his throat. HiS eyes were fixed at road while he desperately searched for an answer.

" Yes sir ! Sorry sir , it will be at your desk tomorrow sir ." And his playful tone vanished in thin air.

That's the only way to shut him up !

Soon we enter area of the hotel where the date is fixed and Alya was waiting for me. I placed my hand at my pocket and felt the hard box beneath the cloth.

It is truly a heavy thing and responsibility.

My thoughts were soon brust out when the car halted and a frown instantly appeard at my face while glancing at the entrance . Everything was decorated with real and precious flowers and rice lights. Floor was coverd with red carpet and large led lights.

What the actual fuck is this !.

Furiously I turned at my PA who was busy unbuckling his seat belt.
" What in the world is this Cabir.? I told you to prepare for a date not a fucking wedding .. " I breathed , and he gave me a confused look

" Do you have any fucking Idea how a hell lot of money it will cost. " Shaking my head opened the door of my side.

"But..." Cabir started his blabbering.

He will have to pay for this fuck. !

" No buts, don't show me your fucking face tonight and all this .. " I pointed a finger at the decorations and turned my finger towards him.
" .. will be deducted from your salary. "

He let out a frustrated sigh and opened his mouth as if he is going to shower me with curse.

" Oh common Manik ! It is your own bloody hotel and moreover this decorations are for a wedding which is taking place in the 15th floor , I have prepared the 3rd floor for your date and that too in between the booking time. "

I raised an eyebrow at him and a smirk made it way to my lips.

Good , but I won't let him know that.

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