12. Smelling Fandom.

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The day was  bright today and so was the director Loud & bright.
Sitting on a fold able chair I glanced around the site where all the crew we're hustling for the set preparation .

Scripted romance are the only part I am fed up of and I am doing basically this for an entire week.

Scripted romance are nothing but misleading impressions!!

Shrugging away my thoughts I concentrated on the script in hand .


" You have a lunch meeting at Aurus with our project partner and the rest of the night you are free from work. " Cabir blabbered form the passenger seat while I was busy rubbing my forhead this harsh sun has worsened my headache.

After a moment the car stopped and Cabir went out , without bothering to ask him I simply leaned on that back seat .

"Here drink it , you will feel lot better. " Opening my eyes I saw a drink in front of me .

I thanked Cabir and took a sip it instantly relaxed my sore neck and the throbbing started to decrease.

" You took those pills again, I thought you left those some days ago. " Cabir enquire while looky towards me.

I just shrugged and made a face .

" Ugghhh sometimes I feel like I'm your wife. "

" Oh please ! You are not a wife material. " I stated as a matter of fact.

" Jokes apart , be there at 7:30 sharp ." Cabir informed while flipping some pages of a file.

Shit , it's today ,

I have totally forgotten it. I need to find an excuse and that too a super solid one.
After searching for some solid reason I couldn't find one and I definitely doesn't want Cabir to Know about Nandani right now. So, I decided to make an excuse at the last hour.

Dropping me at the venue Cabir left for the party and I started the meeting with our partners.

When our lunch arrived , the meeting was quite done and all there was left was to approve the project with a written declaration.

We were sitting on the area when there was proper view of the beach on the left side of mine. And in my life beach was recently all about Nandani and Nandani means calmness .

After lunch I excused myself to call Cabir.

" Hello, yeah.. they agreed and that too in my term . Send me the new contract and deduct 5 million from the previous one . Asap. " Disconnecting the phone I turned around to go back to my seat when my eyes fel on someone familiar. Rather I should say very familiar.

It was none other than Nandani dressed in a tight business suit , which was focussing her curves way too much ( i must add) smiling with a man on one of the corner.

My heart instantly tugged at the site and a wave of sadness , familiar to me washed upon my heart . Shrugging away the feeling I took a deep breath

From last few days ,Nandani was talking a toll on me and seeing her like this with a man assured me of the feeling that I was avoiding for a very long time and the added jealously is making it worse for me.

Is she here on a date! .

But then again a thought strikes me that even if she is dating someone , why is she doing it on office time .

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