3. wrinkled love.

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I wake up jerked and instantly blinded by the harsh rays if sun. Shutting my eyes tightly I tried the adjust the sudden light . My bed suddenly felt more hard and my back was stiff.
Groaning I tried to sit up when I felt sand under my palm.

Where the fuck am I ?

Swiping of the sleep from my eyes I glanced at my surroundings to only find myself greeted by blissful view of the beach .
The water glistering in its icy blue colour while some birds flying here and there probably to find some food for living.
I smiled at the view , so fresh so lively.

And then the reality sinks in ..

I slept here last night ?!
But why ?

My mind instantly drifted back to last night and all the memories flowed down to me.

I stood up and instantly started searching for the woman who was the source of the song last night.

After a moment I stopped and ran my hand along my hairs.

What the hell is wrong with me ? How can she be here? .

With a irritated sigh I grunted and paced towards my jeep.


Scanning the report of the current deal . I ducked my head a little to watch Cabir patiently waiting for my order.

" The deal sounds good , but make sure to deliver the products two days before the delivery date. " I said lazily while leaning at my chair.

" Two days ?
Done. " He said while he hastily recorded something in his tab.

" Sir , should I get the car ? Your shoot is in next hour . " He asked and I nodded at him .

As soon as Cabir left the office a buzz sound of my phone indicated a message .
I took the phone and instantly my face scrunched up in disgust .

This girl can go so low for publicity !

Shoving the phone back to my pocket I walked out of my cabin , as instantly the environment of the office changed to pin dropped silence.

Everyone frozed there misilenious activity and started doing there work with their head hung low , some of the women worker gave some sluty look and others were just too afraid to look up.

My lips instantly curled up in a evil smirk as I walked past them .
Keeping an arrogant and strict personality is necessary if you want to run. Business in order.

The more they will fear you , the more they will not try to look inside you.

As soon as the car rolled down Cabir started telling me about my schedules .
I abruptly stopped him " Boycott Alya from the recent Fashion Shows , that girl needs to learn some martens ."

With a smile he replied " adequate sir, anything else ?"

" Yes , cancel your lunch we are going to Anny's house after the shoot ."

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