5 . hook ups.

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( Not edited )

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Sitting at the green room , I went through the the script of the scene. It was my third shot of the day . Everything was fine but my mind was in haze . I couldn't discard her face from my mind and most importantly her oblivious reaction. It was irritating the hell out of me.

How could someone be so oblivious after seeing a celebrity . !

I mean , cmon public crave for my one glance .

Shaking my head I resumed back to the script when I heard the Buzzing of my phone .

Receiving the call while flipping the pages of the script I frowned while Aryaman informed me about the glitch in our finance department .

" Where is Cabir ?"
"He went to fetch you sir , he will be there with the file in half n hour . " Came his reply .

With a small OK I disconnected the call and walked out of the green room for my shoot.

" I have only 30 minutes , is the set ready or I should call it a pack up .?" I asked the director while glancing at my watch.

A look of horror slashed in his face and he started yelling at the spot boys .

With in 5 minutes the set is prepared and we started the scene .

After completing the scene I went back to the green room to fresh n up . Changing back to my business attire , I went to the nearby couch and collapsed .

I was feeling restless again . My mind again was drifting back to the girl at the beach .

Sighing I took a few sips of bear and closed my eyes while leaning back at the couch with the song she sang last night playing in my mind.

I grunted when I heard a soft knock on the door. Knowing it was Cabir I hummed as a signal for him to come in.

I heard the click of the knob followed by the crack sound of the door.
Without bothering to open my eyes I gestured him to speak up.

"We have a long day ahead , check these out there is more than some random glitch here . " Cabir handed me the file.

" Let's discuss this in the car . " We both walked out of the room.

In the time when I reached the office , I was fuming with anger .
I instantly sent Cabir to find some details about our Finance - in - charge and summoned her in my cabin.

I don't usually talk to our employees unless it's too important . This time the limit is crossed .

Our Finance - in - charge , I found out that her name is Ritika has been working in our Company for 1 year and the reports of the glitch are exactly 10 months after her joining when she got a promotion.

Hearing the knock I called her in and gave her the file to explain in a pleasant manner .

Just in case !

She behaved as if she have never seen a man before , merely attending the file and checking me out from time to time. A satisfactory smirk formed in my lips.

I agree it feeds my ego but my mind keep reminding me of the girl on the beach.

Soon a ping of my phone indicated a massage and it showed a transaction of 90k payment to a jewellery shop from her account.

" Will you explain the deficit of ₹30000 on the following date after the closing ?"

Soon ,her face turned pale and she visibly gulped and started rambling some explanations about some deals .

" Just because I don't come to office regularly that doesn't mean I don't have any information about my business . "

"Si sir , I assure you it it was a glitch .. "

" Don't you dare to show me the glitch shit . Your account has been ceased and the money has been recoverd , the rest will be deducted from your next paycheck with the interest . "

" Sir but. "

" Pack your things , you have 4 hours . You may leave now. "

" Sir , please sir let me explain ."

" Leave . " I snapped and in a moment she was out of my cabin. .


" Here are the concept of the next two movies." Cabir handed me the file in the car. We are driving to one of the launch party of my new movie.

I took the files and tossed it behind me.
" Take us to the club ." I ordered our driver .

Cabir gave a shook look while shaking his head.
" You gotta be kidding me , you have to be there ."

I shrugged and looked at him with an amused look " And I don't want to be there ."

Walking inside the club I was soon gathered by my fans asking for my autograph and selfies.

After signing each and everyone. I went inside the club. I was soon given a hoodie and I found myself near the bar area.

I was dinking my shots while I roamed my eyes around the dance floor .Everyone was dancing wildly. My hoodie was great at hiding half of my face .

Cabir left a while ago , and I was al alone Sipping the harsh liquid .

Maybe I should go to the beach .
Listen to her song or talk to her may be .
I will ask her directly if she knows me.

My thoughts were broken when I felt a hand on my thigh. Turning my head towards the direction I found a lady in her late 20's staring back to me. From her appearance I could tell that she was completely drunk.

" Excuse me !" I took her hand and placed it on her side.

She glanced at my hands and pouted . Keeping her hands back to my chest she leaned forward and whispered
" Wanna have some fun , hot guy? "

She definitely didn't recognize me . And I took the chance.

" Sure .."
With that I took her into my apartment .

As soon as I entered the penthouse she was all over me . She can't just keep her hands to herself.

When I reach my bedroom my blazer and tie was laying on the floor and she was almost half naked .

" I can't wait to have your lips all over me baby . " She purred while sliding her hands from my chest to me abbs.

I just watch her with an amused look .

" Remove it baby , I wanna see your sexy abs. " She said and in a instant she was on the wall , her hands were pinned up .

I wanted to release all my pent-up frustration , my restlessness , her oblivious reaction , her face everything.

I looked into her eyes ,
They held a emotion of pure lust mixed with alcohol. And what struck me the most was the unfamiliarity.

I am sick of this unfamiliar hook ups.

Everyday , same shit !

Heaving a sigh , I released her from my hold and walked straight out of the penthouse.

Opening the door of my mansion , I went towards the back door , hooped in my Jeep and started driving.

I want some answers today . !


~Don't forget to vote, comment and share with your friends .

( I was about to add the manan part here , but I planned it a long one so it's coming up on next chapter , if you all are interested I can update a lill faster )

Question -

What do you think about Manik' s character so far ?? ~

Till next time !

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