28. Breathing pillow!

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Waking up in an awkward position I groaned , my eyes refusing to open .
Trying to find my phone my hand landed on a soft round cushion .
Roaming my palm around the soft thing I was about to squeeze it when I felt the pillow beneath me rose upwards and backwards.

Why is my pillow breathing ?

As soon as the memories of last night flooded in my mind I was out of the bed in a minute gawking widely at the sleeping figure of Nandani.

Her face was burried under the pillow , her back was raising up and down peacefully.

Oh the soft pillow was her....

Scratching the back of my head I turned around to look for the bathroom when my eyes suddenly fell  on something that practically blew my mind .

Almost half of the wall of her room was covered with various posters of my movies. And what striked me the most was the posters were not only of my new movies but was from my old movies which was released 12 years ago.

That's huge!

Raising my eyebrows I scanned the wall with awe.
There was a large poster right above the headboard .

Shaking my head in amusement I walked in the bathroom thanking heavens for granting me such a rear creature.

Walking out I found Nandani sitting on her bed holding her head and groaning.

" Nandani.." I called her gently touching her shoulder.

" Ahh .. my head is burning ." She called out not looking at me.

" Do you have any Aspirin?" I enquired while she nodded pointing at the left table .

Taking out a strap I pooped out a pill and hold it in front of her along with a glass of water. Gulping it instantly she declared " I am never going to drink again."

" You say it all the time Nandu.." a voice came out as the door flew open revealing Navya .

Giving Nandani a small shrug I walked out finding a grinning Cabir outside.

" What's funny ?" I asked irritated .

" You have to see Mukti , she is looking hilarious! " Cabir exclaimed as we walked towards the living room.

As soon as I saw Mukti I couldn't help but laughed out loud.
She was sleeping straight on a long chair with a open pizza box on top of her wrapped as a blanket .
She was looking nothing but a human pizza.

Cabir instantly drew his phone and took a snap of her.
I mean common who in their sane mind will use pizza box instead of a blanket .

Her sleep broke off from our laughter and soon the house was full of her screaming.
" Why the hell I am wrapped in a giant pizza box?"

Not giving her any reply Cabir led me to the dinning room where he apperently bought breakfast for all.

" We only have 3 hours left for flight, wrap your work and meet me straight in the airport." I said while sipping the coffe.

" Okay, and yeah I got a call from Anny she reached there an hour ago. " Cabir informed me.

I nodded and started finishing my breakfast when Nandani and Navya joined us.

Giving me a small smile Nandani pulled the chair beside me and ate quietly.

" I will be leaving in few hours , do infrom me once you guys reach there and be safe ." I said looking straight towards Nandani while she nodded gently . She was surprisingly quite today.

Shrugging the thought away I bid them bye and left for home.


Sitting on the seat of the airplane I searched for Cabir , switching my eyes rapidly between the door and my watch.

Why on earth is Cabir getting late. !

I was cursing him from top to bottom in my mind when he showed up , his face was little red but I heeded no attention towards it and move my face towards the other side trying to act as casually as  I can.

" Get up , I have upgraded our seats." Cabir declared , narrowing my eyes I examined his face .

After a few moments I stated "And who gave you the order the order to change your boss's decision ? Don't you know how much it costs?"

" Oh common?" He looked irritated so I added more fuel.

" You know the award function is not paying for it , don't you?" Stating as a matter of factly I adjusted my seat.

" For God's sake Manik , it's your wedding!" Cabir whispered yelled leaning forward.

" I know." Saying I turned my head away from him.

" You should have bought your private jet for heaven's sake!."

" No."

" Ohh God, "

" He won't pay either." I rolled my eyes.

" Will you please shut up and come with me, I paid okay! And from my money.." he yelled again.

Narrowing my eyes I shrugged and slowly rose from my seat and went towards the business class.

Reaching the resort after a long flight I finally retired for the day . Even though Anny was against the idea of me working on my wedding day but there is no other way to make my trip look absolutely professional to my enemies.

Taking a deep long breath I slide under the covers but the ding of my cell phone made me alert. Unlocking my phone I received a text from Nandani informing me about her arrival.

Smiling to myself I sighed , not remembering if I replied to her or not I drifted off to sleep.


Hey guys!

It was a filler chapter.

Next one will be there wedding and you all are invited 😊.

Don't forget to vote and comment your views.

Till next time!

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