Next Time (Bambam)

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You brace yourself before stepping inside the school grounds. Your school never changed, still the same buildings, strict teachers, chatty students-oh and look! There's the laziest student you've unfortunately got acquainted with. This-He has been the reason why you were gathering strength before going to school.

"Good morning!" he says enthusiastically, even daring to put a hand up for a high-five.

"Bambam..." you start to say.

"What?" he asks defensively. He puts his neglected hand to his chest. "I haven't said anything yet."

Yet. You know what mischief he's about to do that's why you were quick to warn him. You've known Bambam for a while, but only befriended him recently. He's been on a different class all this time so you only ever heard of him the past years. Half of the rumours you heard about him claims that he's a genius. Even though he's apparently just sleeping through all his classes, he passes the subjects all the time. The other half, of course, is something malicious. People claim that he used his good looks to charm teachers into passing him, even though he obviously flunked all tests due to his laziness.

You know that the latter is false. And no, it's not because Bambam is not handsome-you know that he is even though, gun on your head, you won't say it on his face. You're sure that him being a genius is quite a stretch too. You learned his real strategy when you befriended him the first day of this school year. And it's not much of an intelligently planned scheme but more of a result of desperate need to pass.

Bambam approached you on the first day of this school year for a casual chat. Like, he just introduced himself so that you would know that he exists. You rarely get the chance to talk to him after that since he is always-always just sleeping in class. He made use of his tall friend Yugyeom, who was sitting in front of him, to cover his sleeping-like-a-baby self.

Bambam only ever greeted you if he saw you while going to or coming home. And your longest conversations would be the days before the exam, when he'll plead you to lend him your notes.

That's today. This is when he executes his well-honed plan.

"No," you firmly say.

"What do you mean no?" he says in a pout.

You sigh. "You're going to ask me if you can borrow my notes. No, Bambam. I told you the last time; you should start taking down your own."

"I'll help you with your bag!" he starts reaching behind you but you swiftly dodge.

"No," you start walking away.

This has been your routine since the first exams. While the rumour of him charming teachers is false, he actually does use his charms in order to pass. The prior years, he pestered the smartest among his friends, Park Jinyoung, and that's how he managed to study a three-month worth of lectures in one night. Jinyoung is very organised so Bambam didn't have any problems understanding the complicated lessons. Jinyoung also has a soft spot for Bambam since he watched the latter grow to be the handsome yet procrastinating guy that he is now.

Since Jinyoung started taking advance classes in the city, Bambam was forced to find a new source. His first choice was his bestfriend Yugyeom. Unfortunately, Yugyeom's handwriting is that of a third grader and Bambam can't spare another hour deciphering his notes.

"I'll walk you home starting today!" he starts walking beside you, his eyes not leaving your face. "I can also walk you to school but I don't know where you live."

"Thankfully," you comment before turning left to the entrance of the first building. Bambam almost went straight since he's not looking at the path.

"Please, this will really be the last time!" he now clings to your arm.

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