Island (Jaebeom)

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JB pushed her to the bed and didn't waste a second to taste her skin. The bitterness of the alcohol was replaced by her sweetness. Whatever loud sounds the club they came from still echoing in JB's ears were replaced by her soft mewling, as he touched her with urgency.

But that's all it was. Replacement and rush. When JB didn't find distraction in the club he had frequented the past nights, he thought it's not the place but the person he should change instead. He grabbed the girl who reminded him of you the most. It was a contradictory, but at least he made a step.

"God, yes! Do it like that," she said as JB pounded into her.

It was off. If it was you, you would have teased him about his urgency. You were adamant that he should relax and release all of his stress through your passionate night. It was never just physical. With you, he calms down and finds himself. This... whatever awful thing he's doing right now, makes him feel nothing close to relaxed. He's lost. And he's getting even more lost without the sweet sounds you make or your scent to guide him to ecstasy.

God, he's thinking of you again.

JB felt her squeezing on him as she reached her high. He tried to ride it to find his own. If it was you, he would be done just by the sight of your blissful face. When he looked at who's under him though, it was incomparable. You were more... beautiful. You were more... sweet and understanding. And his. You were so much more than this random girl he wouldn't remember two hours from now.

What was he doing? Why was he being stupid all over again?

"Hey, where are you going?" she asked weakly after seeing JB, with his still hard glory, getting out of the bed and picking up his clothes. "You're not done yet. I can help you."

He didn't reply. He felt disgusted of himself. The alcohol hadn't left his system yet, but sober or drunk, he knew it was useless. He wouldn't be able to forget you. He wouldn't find someone to love him and make love to him the same way you did.

You were his everything. And you weren't there anymore.


JB was never vocal. He liked using actions to show how he feels. Approaching you and asking you to repeat the tune you were mindlessly humming was his best effort at flirting. While he really was interested in that random melody, he could have just let you pass and not be a creepy stranger.

"You know, actions without words are confusing," you teased him one night. You were at his secret studio and after hours of unproductivity, you decided to take a break and just chat.

It was already evening. JB had offered to drive you home, if you still want to work until later. You could also stay in the studio, he said. There were two rooms and plenty of chairs.

"What's with the sudden philosophy?" he asked before drinking the strawberry milk you brought. You knew how much he liked them.

You shrugged. "I don't know. I just felt like telling you."

He put down the carton. He was aware of what you're insinuating. When he saw you that day, he was immediately attracted to you. And when you agreed to help him compose, he wasn't dumb not to believe that you're attracted to him as well. Working together, the attraction became something more. No matter how tired he was from work, he would still have a smile on his face knowing that he'd be seeing you in a couple more hours. He learned to be more patient and trusting.

You made him a better person. He never believed that someone could make him change so much in just a span of months. So what other explanation there was than him being in love with you? You were the reason for everything.

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