Coming-of-Age with GOT7

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The morning light streaming from your window wakes you up from your dreamless sleep. Ever since you came to Korea and meet the best people in the world, a.k.a. your GOT7 IDIOT OPPAS, days have been euphoric. You don't dream at nights anymore because hanging out with them during the day is already a wish upon a star that came true.

You remember Bambam saying that there's a celebration today. Back in your country, you celebrate eighteenth birthdays with an elegant party, some tradition of introducing the debutante of the family to the public. Here in Korea, they have the Coming-of-Age on the Monday of the third week of May instead. People who aged nineteen this year will receive a rose, a perfume, and a kiss.

Who knows which you'll get from whom?

Your phone rings and if you're still half-awake, the guy on the other line can help you, and even your neighbours, rise and shine. You're thankful to have him when you stay up late at night and have to wake up early tomorrow for school. But you also curse him when it's rest day and he calls at 6 AM to ask you about something that can be asked at 10 AM. You swipe the accept but maintain the phone a safe distance from your ears.


"Good morning, Jackson-oppa," you answer with a yawn, now taking the phone to your ear. "And good morning to the other six Oppas who are listening to this."

"Good morning, Y/N!" collective voices confirm your guess. And you hear some meows too. The cats are actually the reason why you can linger around the group but they shouldn't know.

"Are you excited? You're finally legal now so you can join our drinking sessions," that's Jinyoung. And that question is his way of saying not to even think about drinking, even with them, your trusted friends. He has always been a great adviser to you and he never fails to emphasise that you're still a girl and they're still guys. No matter how close you all are, the maknae duo + Jackson can mess up.

"As if I'll be excited to see Bambam trying to pole dance," you assure him.

"Hey, that was once!" your fabulous friend quickly defends himself. Bambam is probably the closest to you because you think alike when it comes to serious matters. You try to catch with his crazy too but even Yugyeom told you to just be supportive cause you can never reach Bam's level. That's why even though he's older than you, you see him as someone of the same age. You rarely call him Oppa.

"Yes and you almost break your hipbone trying to slide a pole. Do you actually want to be a fireman and not an idol?"

"Okay, maybe the drinking part is boring because you've already seen us drunk anyways. But there are other stuffs too!"

You suddenly remember Mark and Jackson fighting in four languages while their drunk. You have never been confused and amused at the same time. So no, drinking part isn't boring at all. You just know that Jinyoung is listening and expecting you'll say these.

"I don't know about the other stuffs so..."

"We know you'll be like that so today, let us show you the beauty of being an adult! Your oppas will take turns giving you gifts," the phone is back to Jackson.

"Aw.. well, aren't you guys sweet?" you try to not sound sarcastic because you do find it sweet. But coming from them, you also want to cringe.

"Yes, lucky girl. So go ahead and dress up. Jaebeom-hyung will pick you up."

The mention of Jaebeom excites you. He's like an older brother who spoils you because it's Jinyoung who does the scolding. So he's your favourite among the hyungline. "Where are we going?"

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