Looking Forward (Jinyoung)

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It's a natural thing for Jinyoung. It isn't really anything about you that made him approach. It's his manners, the urge to help someone who is obviously in need. That's you, struggling to balance a tall stack of papers covering half of your face.

So when he finally takes most of the paper in order to help you, that's only when he realised he's in front someone very, very attractive. He knows he hasn't met you before; he would've remembered your face. It only means you're a transferee. Damn, why didn't you transfer sooner? He's almost finish with his study. It'll be lucky if you're on the same program with him so he can still see you a lot.

"Oh, thank you," you say in relief when someone finally helps you. You're too shy to ask a random passing student to help you.

The boy in front of you is wearing a uniform, therefore he's years younger than you. But the way he gazes make it seem like he knows more than what university teaches. He must be a wide reader, a matured person. Part of why you wanted to be a teacher is to see students grow up like this young man.

"You're welcome. Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before."

"Yeah, it's my first day. I'm not really familiar with the rooms yet so I'm glad a student is here to help me."

Jinyoung smiles charmingly. "Manners isn't something kids just learn in school though. You're lucky you found me."

You giggle. What a smooth-talker. He can survive the world outside school, you're sure. "Well then can you please take me to Room 710? It's on the FUMC building, I think."

"That's actually where I'm going! Are we perhaps classmates?!"

You burst out laughing. Are you that young looking? Did he mistake you for a student running errands for a professor? So that's why he's flirting!

"What's funny?" he asks in pure confusion, but still trying to keep his smile.

"You'll find out soon," you say with a wink. Oh, how adorable kids are.


You spend the walk to the room chatting with Jinyoung. He's taking a law course, one you've finished last graduation. You're actually just waiting for the results so you volunteered to help your favourite professor in the mean time.

Jinyoung seems completely unaware of what you are-a teacher aide, as he keeps on asking you what your plans after graduation are. He also pulled the chair beside him, for you to sit on. You follow for amusement, even though you've already set up your things at the back of the classroom.

"Oh, that's our professor for today," Jinyoung says in hushed tones as Mr. Seo enters the room.

The old man scans the now quiet class, until he finds you smiling from beside Jinyoung. "What are you doing there?"

Jinyoung flinches. "Me? Mr. Seo? I-"

"No, Mr. Park. I'm asking the lady beside you."

You beam. Mr. Seo appears strict to the students but he's your godfather so you've always known his kind heart favourite professor. You really learned a lot from him.

"You know each other?" Jinyoung asks curiously.

You just nod before standing up. Jinyoung watches you in confusion as you start distributing the papers he helped you carry earlier.

"Alright, everyone. I don't think I need to introduce myself so I'll just tell you who the lovely lady walking around is. Since I had a mini heart attack last year, I've been advised to be kinder to students for this year. That means instead of me, she'll be walking around the room to check if someone's sleeping, updating the class officers who will also be my apprentices on court, and of course checking your papers. Don't you wish you're me?"

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