On This Day (Jaebeom)

830 29 3

You sit in front of the vanity, looking at your flawless face. There isn't any reason to worry, with your eye makeup letting your eyes pop and your lipstick smudgeproof. But why are you nervous? You've been preparing for this day for the past year, and now that it's here, you feel like backing out.

A figure enters the room, and you expect to be told that wedding blues are normal. Instead, it is your overly excited bridesmaid, grinning from ear to ear.

"Your cousin just punched Bambam's tits!"

"Oh my God!" you feel like vomiting.

"It was hilarious!" she sits on the bed, still laughing at the thought.

You turn to her, tone scolding. You're close to bolting out. "Joy!"

"It was!" she insists, but finally takes a breath as your panicked face come into view. "But yeah, Bam's okay. It's his fault anyway, pissing a nine-year-old. He had better chance if it was Yugyeom he's playing with."

You sigh. It's not a big deal, you convince yourself. One of the groom's men just got punched by the ring bearer. It will not ruin the march or the wedding or the marriage in whole.



"Am I hearing rain?"

Joy smiles. That overly bubbly smile you're very familiar with. "Nope. That's just Nora and Coco, chasing each other on the roof."

You return the smile as the drops become heavier. "On the roof?"


"Coco is on the roof?"

"Yes. Youngjae thought she needs some sunshine."

"And JB agreed to let his precious cat out of the house?"

"No. It's raining."

"Oh God," you run to the window and draw the curtain. The sky is pouring. The broadcast was positive that it will not rain at all this weekend. The sun was glaring when you got to the venue. Is this a sign? Is the universe telling you to back out? The wedding really is too soon for some of your family members; maybe you should have considered their opinion?

Joy abruptly pulls the curtains down. She holds your shoulders and stir you away from the window. "It's alright! Everything is under control. The rain is a blessing."

"Not when your wedding's photo ops is supposed to be in the garden outdoors!" You can just imagine the lovely flower arrangements and backdrop now soaked by the rain. The horror. You can't take it anymore. You need to see your groom.

"Where are you going?" Joy calls out as you stand up and put your high heels on. The wedding is starting in an hour. Everyone is basically at the lobby waiting.

"To Jaebeom."

"Hey, you can't see each other before the wedding. That's part of the tradition," you hear Joy's voice close behind you.

You open the door and find people stopping on their quick paces. They must be part of the planner's team. One woman quickly takes her phone out, probably suspecting there will be a runaway bride situation soon enough.

Joy makes you face her. You're close to breaking down.

"I just need to see him. My nerves are all over the place. I need to see the reason why I'm going through this paranoia."

"Alright, alright! Let me just text Bam to have Jaebeom come here. You're going to ruin your hair and makeup running around."


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