A Thank You Lunch (Youngjae)

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Youngjae's palms were sweating, and it wasn't just because of the crowded subway. He was debating how to approach you, how to not cause a scene because he knew his scaredy ass will make him look like a fool. He didn't have much time left to think about things. You looked like you would run out of the train as soon as the doors open.

Youngjae closed his eyes and did his best.

He heard a man groan and your soft gasp after he successfully got closer to you. Too close, probably, as he had his body facing your timid one. Instead of moving away though, he even noticed you loosen the tight shoulders and breathed out in relief.

You looked up with almost teary eyes. You gave him a small smile.

"Thank you."

Youngjae couldn't look at your face. It took his all to get that disgusting man away from you, so he's not left with much strength now that you're in front of him.

Youngjae had seen you get on the same train as him to and fro school. At first, he didn't think much of you-just another schoolmate whose home is at the same way. But while walking behind you almost everyday (while keeping safe distance as to not make you think he's stalker, of course), he had seen your kindness a couple of times. You would be running late for class, but you would still stop to help a lost tourist with the right directions, an old granny to cross the street, or a little kid who got separated with his mother.

You would always, always stop by an old bakery to buy bread and eat it while walking home. You were adorable.

That's why he couldn't just stay still seeing how uncomfortable you were getting with that man almost rubbing shoulders with you. Granted it was a crowded train, he could be facing the other way without that malicious grin if he was doing things accidentally.

"Really, I can't thank you enough for what you did back there," you repeated as you and Youngjae started walking out of the station.

"It's nothing," Youngjae said again, refusing to look at you. He thought of it as just a payback for every kindness he had seen you doing. It's not like he wanted you to notice him or anything. He could barely hold his scream in as you walk with beside him now, not like the usual when all he could see is your back.

"If you would like, I can treat you out to lunch this weekend! I sincerely want to show my appreciation. Most people would just look away or even think ill of me if I complain about... the lack of space. I'm so glad an angel like you was there."

No, you were the angel. But if Youngjae said that, you would wonder how he knew.

"But of course, if you've got things to do, I won't insist anymore. I'm really sorry for troubling you. I should have stood up for myself earlier anyway."

"No, wait-" For the first time, Youngjae had the courage to look at you. He needed you to see his seriousness. "Never blame yourself for something like that. It's that guy's fault. And you're not bothering me or anything. I just..." Crap. Youngjae couldn't think of an excuse with you looking at him with those twinkling eyes. "Okay."

"Okay? We're going out on for lunch this weekend?"

"Yes. On Saturday, please. And, uh, probably somewhere in Queen Plaza so we don't have to go out of our way too much?"

"How did you know my home is close to Queen Plaza?"

Youngjae wanted to run. "Because I-we-you took this train and we're going to that direction, so I thought your house would be this way and Queen Plaza is also this way!"

You laughed. Oh no, was this how and angel's laugh sounded? "You don't have to be so flustered. I know you live this way too. The baker I always buy bread from asked me once if you were my boyfriend or something because we're always walking home together."

You knew.

"So 11 AM on Saturday at the gate of Queen Plaza, right? I look forward to it!"

Youngjae nodded and could only watch as you waved him goodbye before skipping away at the crossroad.

He will be having a lunch date with an angel. What good had he done to deserve such good karma?

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