Indirect (Jinyoung)

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Your friends told you not to do it. Confessing through text may save you face if he ends up rejecting you, but you also can't put your sincere feelings out there with just a couple of words sent with no efforts. You've liked Jinyoung far too long and too much to just express your feelings that simply.

Well, it's not them dealing with the anxiety, so they can't do anything now.

You have been texting with Jinyoung for the past hour about anything and everything. It's a Sunday, and there really isn't much to talk about with the year just starting. You tell him about reading the book he recommended; he tells you about watching your favourite movie. Things are going well, and it gives you the courage to try.

Btw, Jinyoung, I heard you rejected a hoobae last week. Mr. Popular.

You bite your lip and send it. It's better to start light and test the waters.

Yeah. She just called me out of the room to say that she likes me. I would have preferred a slower approach. I was intimidated to give an answer.

So Jinyoung didn't like being faced head on! This really is better.

What do you think about confessing in text then? Would that be a turn off?


He can't do it. You're hinting that he says his feelings right now. You must have heard that he rejected the hoobae last week because he likes you instead. It's a trap. He can't do that.

How will he backtrack now? He already said he didn't like being confessed to in person out of the blue. Maybe he can just subtly tell you to talk in person later? That way, you both have time to prepare yourselves.

I think it's pretty shitty to do things in text too.

Oh God, but now he's imagining you in front of him, and damn how hard it is to get out the words when you'll be looking at him with those beautiful eyes.

"Jinyoung, we're going to eat dinner!" Jinyoung's sister calls from the other side of his room. Jinyoung almost drops his phone. The blushing image of you bursts like a bubble.

Jinyoung's phone make a sound. He looks and gasps when he sees that his rude message was already sent. He meant to add something to that!

And you've already replied.

Actually, I'm really scared to be rejected in person. You're a great friend, so it feels unfair to keep this to you too. I've liked you since last year, Jinyoung. I hope you can give me an answer. I'm not rushing you though. I'll give you time to think about it.


And he just had to send that stupid message at the same time?

"Jinyoung! Shut up and get down to have dinner!" he hears his sister call again after he groans loudly.

So much for being smart, Park Jinyoung.

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