Illicit Affairs (Jaebeom)

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A/N: from that Taylor Swift song

When you were young, you wanted to be a princess. To run around your castle in frilly dresses. To meet your perfect prince charming and spend your life happily ever after.

You are still dreaming of it right now, to be honest, even though you are close to being not called young anymore. You're in the age where you should be able to figure out what's right from wrong, yet still forgivable to make a mistake. Little mistakes. Not ruining-other-people's-lives mistakes.

And you were running. Yes, you were-from reality. And you can't wear a fancy dress. That will attract attention. No one should know that you went the other way. So instead you donned a hoodie-his hoodie. The only piece of him you'll ever really own.

He is a prince charming, and to your eyes he is perfect. Your perfect disaster, just awaiting to be unfolded. You were happy with the time you spend with him.

But the after?

You're not going to be part of it. Ever.

This isn't some fairy tale.

It is an illicit affair.


He was an artist. You first met him when you wandered into an exhibition, waiting for a blind date. It was ten minutes after the meeting time when your date messaged that he wouldn't be able to come. You can't even remember the reason anymore. But you thought you didn't want to waste the time travelling to the next city just to go home not even an hour after, so you decided to go around the exhibition.

You weren't fond of art, more so those too deep to the normal mind.

A man stood beside you as you admire what seemed to be blank canvass with black paint gradient at the bottom.

You weren't going to mind the man, with his big coat and stupid hat and ripped jeans. You couldn't figure out if he was homeless or sporting some weird fashion.

But he spoke with short words but sweet voice.

"What do you think does this painting mean?"

You had to look at him and wait for a sign that he was talking to you. He gave you a side glance-one glance-that changed everything. You were a dreamer, and that gaze was enough to take your mind places. He was... intimidating, yet gentle. Untouchable. Mysterious.

You felt the urge to impress him with your own unpredictability.

"It means the artist is out of ideas and spilled paint while crying in desperation."

His laughter was something you wouldn't have imagined from a matured looking man. He sounded boyish, almost your age. He was carefree and loud-you were conscious if the securities or some manager would come and ask you both to leave.

They should have. That would have saved you from the doom that is him.

"You're funny. What's your name?" he asked, his face changing with just a simple smile. Dahyun, your best friend, once asked you if you liked a boy who's older or younger. You never knew you could find someone who seems so timeless.

"Why would I tell you?" you challenged even though your young heart was ready to leap there and then.

"So I know a little bit about you too," he looked back to the stupid painting, "like how you saw through me just like that."

He was the artist. His name was Lim Jaebeom.




You stopped on your tracks when you saw him again like fate. And would you look at that, he seems to know your best friend.

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