A Little Bit Catastrophic (Jaebeom)

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"Oh no," you said to yourself when you got out of the supermarket to find that it's raining cats and dogs. The cats! you remember and panicked. You had gone to buy food for the litter of kittens you found in an alley on your way home from school. They had nothing but the little box they were contained in. The poor little things must be shivering!

You ran, splashing puddle around, in order to get to the kittens right away. They were just around the block, thankfully, and you had your sweater to lend them something warm to lie on.

You looked up. It was almost night time. The clouds were getting dark, though it must also be because of the intensifying rain. Is it going to stop any soon? Looks like you have to give up your umbrella for the kittens too. As much as you wanted to take them home, your mother was against having pets. You planned to find someone to take care of the kittens the next morning. Maybe someone in the neighborhood or at your school would be kind enough to take them in.

You abruptly stopped on your tracks upon seeing a boy crouching in front of where the box was. You could see him holding his umbrella to that direction, causing water to trickle down his back instead. His back... looked familiar. It must be creepy for you to think so, but you were pretty sure you recognize his back. You had found yourself staring at it a couple of times during the literature class you had with him. The broadness of his shoulder was one of his charms, you overheard the girls in class gossip.

"Lim Jaebeom?" you called reluctantly, not because you weren't sure who he was, but because you didn't know if you had the right to call him that way. Everyone called him JB. It suited his rather unapproachable aura. But you had never talked to him before; it's only polite to address him with his full name.

Lim Jaebeom flinched. He almost let the umbrella slipped from his hand-you noticed that his hand was a bit... small for a boy with that wide of a back. You shook your head a little, trying to keep focus. What is Lim Jaebeom doing here?

"Are you taking them?" he asked.

The directness of his words made your brain function again. He didn't seem mad; how can he look mad when he's holding out an umbrella for three shivering kittens? At most, he seemed worried and hopeful. He must have been thinking the same as you; the kittens needed to find shelter as soon as possible.

And he knew who you are. You wouldn't have thought he paid attention to your existence.

"I wanted to," you started explaining as you crouch next to him. You put your bag in front of you to take out what you brought, "but I'm not allowed to have pets. Do you want to take them instead?"

He sighed heavily. You're not sure if the cold wind was getting into him; he was still getting wet from sharing his umbrella. But he was looking at the poor creatures with wrinkled brows and tight lips. He was visibly upset. "I stay at a dorm. We're also not allowed to have pets."

You frowned. Balancing the umbrella on your shoulder, you took the sweater you kept on your bag and put it on the kittens as a blanket. They immediately huddled for the warmth. They were pitiable. Whoever left them here better didn't thought that it would rain, and they might get sick. That just makes them a horrible human being. But then again, if they abandoned such young kittens here, they already have a reserved seat in hell.

You then put out the food you managed to find on the small supermarket you went to. Lim Jaebeom was busy fixing your sweater, so it could cover up most of the kittens. You finished opening the can and was about to put it inside the box to feed the kittens, but Lim Jaebeom's hand held yours to a stop. You looked up to him.

"They can't eat that yet. They must be only around four weeks old. We should only give them milk on shallow bowls, if you don't have a feeder," he said, his tone a bit scolding. It was like he caught you cheating on an exam.

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