Waiting (Jaebeom)

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JB stared at the carpeted floor when he got bored with his phone. He should have taken his notebook out if he knew he would have to stay there for half an hour. He couldn't even understand why he had to leave the room. You've been dating for a couple of months now, had been intimate for a few times, but for some reasons, you kick him out everytime you have to use the bathroom.

It didn't make any sense. He had seen your body already-he worshipped it, alright. And it's not like he would make a look or comment that could make you feel uncomfortable. He wasn't mad at you, maybe just a little disappointed that you couldn't be undisturbed by his presence. Maybe he was lacking at something. But he also didn't want to push you.

The door opened, so JB stood straighter and waited for your signal. Your head appeared from the inside, hair wrapped in that magical bun of towel he couldn't make out how girls do. Maybe it's because of the hot shower, but your face was bright pink.

"You can come in now."

JB didn't answer but followed you inside. You were wearing cute pajamas, which he expected despite this being a vacation to celebrate your 100th day being a couple. You were always too cute for your own good. JB could only sigh.

"I'm sorry, okay. I'm just... not confident enough. Are you mad?" you tentatively wrapped your arms around him. You smelled like a baby and you felt soft.

JB sighed again. See, too cute. He felt guilty even thinking something remotely negative about you.

"I just..." he tried to reason, but couldn't find proper words, "I want you to feel fine having me around. I won't look at you at all. It's not like I would like you watch me pee. But I just want to be in the same room with you as much as possible, I guess. We took this week off to be together. And if I have to turn my back all the time because that door is stupidly placed in front of the bed, then so be it. Just... can I stay here inside? I don't like feeling alone and unwanted."

"I'm sorry," you said with a pout. You didn't mean to make him feel that way; you're just being too shy again because you saw his glorious body when you checked in and he had to take a shower. It made you very concious of yours.

"Aish, you're killing me," JB said in frustration, scooping your face in his hands and dropping you a kiss on the forehead. "You don't have to be sorry. I can go out everytime, of course. Just kiss me when you're done, in return."

"Are my kisses worth the agony of waiting?" you teased. He was masking his sweet thoughts again.

"Yes, they are," he wrapped his arms around you, securing your face on the crook of his neck. "I hope you see yourself the way I see you. And until you don't realise how beautiful you are, I'll do everything to make you feel it."

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