Chapter One: A Rough Start

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Willow woke up the next morning only to realize the power in her apartment had gone out. Her alarm was off, her phone was dead. She checked her scratched wristwatch and began to panic. Her interview would begin in thirty minutes.

"Shit!" she yelled, jumping out of bed. The sudden movement disturbed her cat. "Sorry Nelson!" she called out to the cat as she rushed to the bathroom.

She hurriedly washed her face. Her hair was a frazzled monstrosity, but there was nothing she could do about it now. She brushed it into a semi-decent ponytail before hurrying out of the bathroom.

She quickly slipped on the outfit she had prepared for the day. She'd chosen a simple black pencil skirt, a matching black jacket, and a white blouse. It was understated, yet elegant. The outfit helped show off her figure, but she didn't have time to dwell on that, she needed to leave.

Willow checked the time and considered her options. She didn't own a car, a taxi in New York traffic would take too long (besides, it was out of her price range), and the subway wouldn't get her there on time.

She only had one viable option left. Willow put her heels in her bag and laced up her running shoes. She stretched before leaving her apartment.

Her job interview was taking place in the Empire State Building, which was located about a mile away from her apartment. If she could keep a good pace, she would get there before the interview started.

Taking a deep breath she began to jog down her apartment steps and onto the busy street.

She got a couple of looks, but for the most part people barely batted an eye. This was New York after all, it took a lot more than that to faze the locals.

She arrived slightly sweaty and out of breath. According to her watch, she made it in 10 minutes.

Not a bad time, she thought to herself.

Willow walked into the building and immediately headed to the front desk. The woman there took in her appearance and a look of disgust passed her face.

"Can I help you?" she asked in a clipped tone.

Willow decided to play it nice; the last thing she needed was more drama.

"Hello, I've got an interview at Burns Incorporated today, but I was wondering if there was a public bathroom here that I could use to... freshen up."

"I'm sorry, restrooms are only for employees and guests."

Willow took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "Technically I am a guest, since I have an interview today."

"She's right," a strong, male voice from behind her said.

The receptionist jumped up from her seat, shocked and blushing, "Sir... I..."

"Give her a guest badge and let her use our facilities," he snapped at the woman.

"Right away sir," she answered in a quavering voice.

While the woman prepared her badge, Willow got a chance to look at the man who just came to her rescue. He was incredibly handsome; his dark brown hair was wavy and well-styled. He wore a nicely tailored navy suit with a crisp white shirt and a brown tie. His physique was imposing; Willow's face only reached his chest. She caught his gaze and blushed slightly.

"Thanks for your help," she said.

The tall, handsome stranger looked her up and down. His obvious appraisal sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine. She saw lust in his steely gaze.

"Don't mention it," he said tightly.

The receptionist handed Willow her badge. She thanked the receptionist and turned around to thank the stranger again only to discover him walking away.

"Alright then," she muttered, heading to the bathroom. She cleaned herself up, put on her heels and headed to the elevator.

The only other person on the lift was another handsome man. He seemed warmer than the man she had just met at the front desk. He was of a similar height and build as the other man, but his hair was a dark blond and slightly longer. He smiled at her, his dimples clearly evident.

Maybe my luck is turning around, Willow thought to herself. She smiled back at him.

The elevator doors closed and they began their ascent upwards.

"You have an interview today?" he asked casually as he scanned the lighted elevator numbers.

"How could you tell?" Willow asked.

The man gave a chuckle, "All newbies have that same wide-eyed stare."

Willow laughed. "I guess I'll have to try and squint more."

The man gave another smile. "What position are you interviewing for?"

"It's an assistant position for-"

"Matthew Burns?" Jack interrupted.

She looked surprised, "How did you know?"

"Just intuition," he said with a smirk. "I'm Jack Montague by the way."

"Nice to meet you Jack. I'm Willow Pearson."

The elevator pinged and the doors opened, "Well, this is my floor. Good luck Willow."

"Thanks Jack," she said as the elevator doors close.

Well, that was kind of weird, she thought to herself.

The closer she gets to her destination, the more nervous she becomes.

Upon reaching the hundredth floor, she arrived at another front desk. The receptionist here was decidedly nicer than the one she encountered downstairs.

After introducing herself, she was brought back to Mr. Burns's office by a very harried secretary named Adam.

"Mr. Burns will be in shortly, he's just finishing up a meeting," Adam announced impatiently before leaving the room.

She sat down in front of Mr. Burns's solid, metal desk and had a look around the room. There was not much to look at. Some would call it chic minimalism, but Willow preferred the term sterile.

This room needs a woman's touch, she thought absentmindedly.

She heard the glass door open and turned around.

Her mouth opened in surprise. She instantly recognized him as the man from the lobby.

"It's you," Willow gasped.

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