Chapter Sixteen: The Tipping Point

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"Mr. Burns," Willow gasped.

A sneer crossed Jack's face, his hand was still on Willow's thigh.

"Fancy meeting you here Matthew," Jack said.

"I won't ask again," Matthew growled.

With a sigh, Jack took his hand off Willow's thigh.

"Are you her jailor now?" he sneered.

Matthew helped her off the chair. He didn't reply to Jack's comment.

"Willow, you don't have to listen to that guy. You can stay here if you want," Jack said.

Willow looked between Matthew and Jack.

"Thanks," she started, "but I think it's best if I leave."

"Well, if he fires you, there's always a position open for you at my company," Jack said.

This sent Mr. Burns over the edge, he walked over to Jack and grabbed on to Jack's collar, pushing him off his chair.

Jack looked shocked and started hitting Matthew's hands.

The bartenders began protesting against the rough treatment of their boss.

"Let go," Jack said through gritted teeth.

Matthew only tightened his grip on Jack's collar.

"Matthew!" Willow cried out.

He looked back at her pleading expression, exhaled, and let go of Jack's collar. Jack sagged into his chair, breathing heavy.

"You'll pay for this Matthew," he sputtered.

"Let's go," Matthew said gruffly.

His hand was on the small of Willow's back as he escorted her out of the club, the club-goers moved out of his way as he left. His driver was waiting out front, and quickly opened the back door for them. Matthew didn't say a word on the way back to the car.

Willow gave her address to the chauffeur before Matthew put up the privacy window. When the car began to move, he turned his steely gaze onto Willow.

"What the hell were you thinking? Or a better question might be, why weren't you thinking?" he berated.

Willow flushed, feeling slightly guilty but also angry.

"Who do you think you are? I can meet whoever I want in my own free time."

He took her chin in his hand, his grip was strong but not painful.

"You promised me you would avoid Jack."

Willow flushed and batted his hand away.

"You promised me a professional work relationship," she countered.

He sighed and leaned back.

"Is it bad that I still want you?" he asked.

She took a deep breath, her anger had suddenly dissipated. Willow's desire for him was overpowering all rational thought.

"No," she whispered.

He looked at her with a surprise. He moved closer to her.

"Do you really mean that?" he asked, his eyes searching hers.

She swallowed, knowing that this was the tipping point of their relationship.

"I want you too, Matthew."

He inhaled sharply, slowly leaning against her. She looked up at him, silently urging him to kiss her. He obliged and brought his lips to hers. His kiss was wild and possessive and sent a shiver of anticipation down Willow's spine.

His hands were everywhere: in her hair, on her hips, on her breasts. He wanted to explore every part of her.

"Matthew," she moaned into his mouth.

He could hardly stand it, he moved down and began kissing her neck.
"Say it again," he murmured against her neck.

"Matthew," she repeated in a breathy whisper.

He bit her neck, making Willow gasp.

Before he could get any further in his endeavors, the car slowed to a stop.

"We should stop here," Willow said unconvincingly.

He gave a chuckle before kissing her neck again.

"You're probably right," he said.

Willow smiled before lightly pushing Matthew off of her. Matthew opened the car door for Willow and helped her get out.

He looked down at her, a thoughtful expression in his eyes.

"I guess we'll have to talk about this sometime," he remarked.

Willow snorted, "Yeah, no rush."

"Hey," he stated, taking her in his arms.

Willow's heart began to beat wildly.

"I don't regret tonight," he said earnestly.

She smiled gently up at him.

"Me either," she said, and she meant it.



It's so much easier to write when I'm out of the house LOL

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