Chapter Three: Rumors

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Later that same night, Willow met up with Giana to celebrate her new job.

They met for drinks at The Platinum Rose. It was a hip, new bar way above Willow's pay grade. But, she was too happy to care, with her new salary she'd be able to afford all the drinks she wanted.

"Congrats Willow!" Giana exclaimed. They clinked glasses and giggled.

"Thanks! Let's hope I can keep up with this guy."

"I'm sure you will, as long as you don't flirt with him." Giana stated, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

She laughed. "I still can't believe he said that."

Giana cleared her throat. "Frankly, I'm not all that surprised."

Willow looked up, her curiosity was piqued. "What does that mean?"

Giana only avoided her gaze and took another sip of her cosmopolitan.

"Giana?" she pressed.

Giana gave a sigh of exasperation, "Alright, I'll talk, but you can't tell Mr. Burns I told you this."

"I promise."

"The rumor is that about four years ago, Mr. Burns started dating someone. And not just someone, his own assistant."

"Oh, I can already tell this isn't going to end well," Willow commented.

"Just wait. Apparently, he was head over heels in love with her. Mr. Burns was willing to do anything for her, he really seemed to adore her."

"I can't imagine him in love. He doesn't seem like the type."

"Well, his former fling probably crushed his heart. She cheated on him with another man, in his own apartment."

Willow gasped, "Oh no, poor Mr. Burns."

Giana shook her head, "That's not all. Apparently she was selling company secrets to the man she was sleeping with."

She never expected to sympathize with her asshole boss, but she couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. 

"What a terrible situation," Willow remarked.

"Yeah," Giana sighed, signaling the bartender for another drink. "I think that's why he has such a problem with flirtatious employees."

They soon changed topics, but Willow couldn't get the story out of her head. She went home with a heavy heart. That night, she fell asleep thinking about Mr. Burns and his lost love.



Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! More to come soon!

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