Chapter Thirty: Dark Clouds

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Willow looked out her office window and sighed. She wasn't generally melodramatic, but the heavy rainfall and lack of communication from her boss/boyfriend was beginning to wear her down. She hadn't had a moment alone with Matthew since their morning conversation.

Her phone's ring tone brought her back to reality.

She answered, "Hey Giana."

"Hey, sorry I missed your call yesterday, I've been busy working on the Cobbs merger," replied Giana.

"Aren't we all?" Willow quipped, not able to hide the dejection in her voice.

"What's wrong? You seem down," Giana commented.

"I'm just having... man troubles, but I can't exactly talk about this at work," Willow answered.

"Ah I understand, my schedule is pretty packed, but we can meet for coffee in, say, thirty minutes, if you want to vent."

She checked the clock, it was already four in the afternoon, but time felt like it had been dragging today.

"That would be great, I'm sorry to bother you. I know you must be busy overseeing the Woodville and Cobbs mergers," Willow said.

"I'm always here for you! Also I could use the break," Giana answered.

"I'll see you soon then," she replied feeling a little better already.

Willow stayed busy organizing materials for a presentation tomorrow. When she glanced at the office clock again, it was nearing half past four.

"I'm taking a coffee break, I'll be back soon," she told Adam as she walked out of the office.

Adam barely glanced up from his computer screen. "Okay," he replied.

Reaching the lobby, Willow realized she had forgotten her umbrella upstairs. Silently cursing herself, she considered her options. She could a) take the long elevator ride back up the office and risk running into Mr. Burns or b) quickly run to the Starbucks across the street and get soaked through.

Just as she had decided to cross the road an umbrella was pressed into her hand. Jack was smirking down at her.

"I think you'll be needing this, but if you wanted me to judge a wet shirt contest right now I'm all for it," Jack teased.

Willow rolled her eyes, "Thanks but I think I'll pass."

"What a shame," Jack quipped as his eyes scanned her body slowly.

Willow could feel her face heat up at his roaming eyes, "I should get going, thanks for the umbrella. I'll return it soon," she said.

His hand grabbed her arm, "We need to meet up again soon to talk business," Jack whispered.

A wave of guilt hit Willow, she could only give a slight nod before turning around and walking out of the building.

She had just crossed the road and was about to open the door to the coffee shop when she heard a voice behind her yell her name. Willow turned around to see Matthew racing towards her.

"Mat- Mr. Burns," she quickly corrected herself.

He reached her side and pulled her under the Starbucks awning. His hair was dripping and his white shirt was soaked through so that she could see the skin underneath.

"I thought you had left for good," he said, his breath coming in short pants.

"Left?" she inquired, "I just went to get some coffee."

"I know but after our talk this morning, I thought you might have quit before I could properly explain myself," he answered.

Willow swallowed hard, "What's there to explain?" she asked, "Is this it between us? Have you grown tired of me already?"

Matthew's eyes widened in surprise. "I want to be with you, more than you can imagine," he said, anguish evident in his voice.

"Then why have you been treating me so coldly?" she asked.

"Because you're all I can think about. Because if I don't try to maintain a professional relationship at work, I would never be able to leave you alone. Because I," his voice faltered, "because I'm afraid to get too close to someone again."

Her breath caught in her throat.

This poor man has been hurt before, she thought to herself.

She gently placed a hand on his stubbly cheek. He looked deeply into her eyes, they were warm but she could still sense some reserve on his part. He was afraid to commit.

Willow sighed, "We can work this out, we just need to learn how to trust each other and that will take some time," she said.

A small grin lit up Matthew's face. "I'm willing to work on us," he replied before taking her face in his hands and placing a searing kiss on her lips. Matthew's tongue entered her mouth as he deepened the kiss. His hands were cold from the rain and his wet body pressed against hers. She felt the familiar sense of arousal that always seemed to overcome her when Matthew kissed her.

He pulled away from her as a group of people left the coffee shop.

"Well I'm glad that's settled," Willow jokes as she tried to regain her breath.

Matthew leaned against her and whispered in her ear. "Let's take this to my place tonight," he suggested, "I'll have my chauffeur pick you up."

Willow could barely contain her enthusiasm, "I'm looking forward to it," she responded.

Wow my last chapter seemed to garner a lot of enthusiasm 😹😹 I just hope this chapter doesn't disappoint! 

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