Chapter 1: Opportunity Comes Knocking

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January 6, 2016 (3:55pm)
English Literature after-school revision session
St. Paul's Catholic Secondary School

Could this day get anymore depressing?

"Mary-Ellen..." Yes, yes it could. "... could you tell me what the mockingbird represents in the book?" asked Mr. Stowe.

Probably not, no. "Umm, the, er, the mockingbird symbolises innocence and to kill a mockingbird means that, erm, innocence is being destroyed like when Tom Robinson was shot and Scout thinking that hurting Boo Radley would be like shooting a mockingbird." I answered in a quiet tone.

"Yes, that's exactly right," He said, moving on to another pupil in the class.

God, I hate Lit. I mean, I do like the subject, but not at 4 o'clock on a Wednesday after a really long day at school.

"I'm so tired I could drop dead," I muttered under my breath.

"Please don't die, I need you in this exam," my friend Charlotte whispers to me on the right side of the desk.

We both giggle and look down at the desk to avoid catching the attention of the teacher.

My other friend, Paige, turns around in front of me with an amused smile on her face and whispers, "If we didn't have a GCSE exam in four months, I would be at home in my unicorn onesie watching the Vampire Dairies and stuffing my face with ice cream."

At this point, I was delirious with the extreme level of exhaustion and the whole group burst out into uncontrollable laughs. Unbeknownst to us, the entire class and Mr. Stowe had stopped talking and watched us descend into witch-like cackles.

"Girls," Mr. Stowe raised his voice, "if you're not gonna take this seriously, please leave. Your exam is in May so just focus, yeah?"

All three of us stopped laughing immediately and apologised. I had to hold my breath to stop myself from giggling.

Five more minutes of making notes in our To Kill A Mockingbird books and the revision session was over. I collected my books and highlighters and shoved them into my school bag. I stood up, checking my skirt to make sure it wasn't riding, and pushed my chair in ready to leave.

After we were dismissed, I left the room with Charlotte and Paige. They were chatting about something that happened in their Chemistry class – with the type of people in their class, something was always happening – whilst I lost myself in my thoughts.

"Ellen!" A voice broke me out of my daydream.

I turned around to see Grace, my Marvel bestie, waving me over to a poster on the wall outside the English classroom.

She pointed to the poster excitedly and repeatedly jabbed her finger on the paper.

"Whoa, steady on Seddon," I smiled, amused at her beaming expression. "You're gonna break your finger if you keep doing that."

"Look, look at this!" She said.

I turned my attention to the contents of the poster. Sprawled across the top of the A4 paper was the Marvel Studios logo. Immediately, my interest was peaked. If I was a dog, my ears would be pricked (urgh, hate that word) and I'd be standing to attention.

Underneath the logo was the words "CASTING CALL" written in capitals with a smaller subheading "for an Untitled Marvel Project". The description of the casting call read: "We want actresses of any body type or age as long as you look like you're 17 to come to the open casting call and audition for an unspecified role. Previous acting experience is not required. Please send an audition tape, a headshot, personal information and contact details to this address." There was an email address underneath the information alongside the deadline for the audition tapes: Saturday, 30 January, 2016.

My mouth opens and I turn to Grace, whose grinning like a Cheshire cat. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This is my chance.

"Oh my God, no way," I squeal. "Is this real? Please tell me this isn't a joke."

Grace nods enthusiastically. "Yes, it's real! You love Drama, Ellen, and you're doing it for GCSE. This was made for you. You've got to apply."

I didn't hear Charlotte and Paige come up behind me. They overheard the conversation and immediately agreed with Grace.

"Oh my God, yes, Ellen, you have to apply. If you don't, I'll apply for you," Paige said.

I think it over for a few seconds. Should I do this? Am I good enough for this? I might not be what they're looking for and I cannot take that rejection. No, I can't think like this. I have to bite the bullet and just do it. When am I gonna get a chance to do this? I smiled and nodded.

"Ok, I'm gonna do it."

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