Chapter 19: Friendly Advice

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March 2, 2017
St. Paul's Sixth Form, Birmingham

"Wait, so he kissed you?"

"On the cheek, not the lips."

"But he still kissed you!"

"Yeah, he did!"

I had just finished telling the girls about my date with Tom and they were in hysterics. Although a couple of them already had boyfriends, they were thrilled for me that I actually got through a date without being too awkward. As soon as I walked into the common room when I got to school, they jumped down my throat and wanted to know everything about yesterday. I was more than happy to oblige and I told them the story so quickly that I was out of breath.

"And he asked you out again?" Grace asked.

I nodded frantically and bit my lip rethinking the moment he asked me on a second date.

"Oh my gosh, you've got a boyfriend," Maria clapped with excitement.

"He's not my boyfriend," I sighed.

"It won't be long before he is though, trust me," India said. She was the first of my friends to get a boyfriend so I listened to everything she said when it came to dating.

"Yeah, it only took Lottie a couple of weeks to get her claws into Harrison," Grace joked.

"Hey! I'm not an animal!" Lottie said.

I laughed and leaned back in the sofa, sighing as I remembered the moment his lips touched my cheek.

"Has he text you since the date?" Paige asked.

"Yeah, he texted me goodnight and then this morning he texted me that he got on the plane safely," I told them.

"This is exactly what fan fiction is made of," Grace said. "The Spider-Man actor dating his co-star."

"I know right. I'm such a cliche."

"How long is he gonna be in America for?" Maria asked.

"He said he and Harrison would be there for the rest of the month," I frowned. The realisation that I wouldn't see Tom for a whole month hurt me slightly.

"It's ok," Lottie patted my arm. "We can miss our Marvel men together."

"Marvel men!" Maria burst into laughter. "I love it!"

We all laughed with her.

"Yeah, we can mourn the loss," I said to Lottie. "I think Harrison will struggle more than you."

"Yeah, I agree," Lottie said, crossing her arms. "He asked if he could take one of t-shirts to America with him."

"Oh my gosh, that's adorable," India said.

"Did he actually do that?" I asked.

Lottie smiled coyly and nodded. "He said the scent reminded him of home."

We all cooed at Lottie who sank in her seat in embarrassment. I patted her arm and laughed.

"Don't be embarrassed. It's just a cute couple thing."

"I know I found it really cute," Lottie said. "But I do miss him. I know what it's like to have your man halfway across the world."

"Look at you guys comparing boyfriends," Maria cupped her cheeks and cooed at us.

"You're so sickeningly sweet," Grace pretended to retch in disgust. I smacked her arm and she broke into a smile.

"So when are seeing him again?" Lottie asked.

I shrugged. "No idea. We didn't set a date yet but I think he'll want a break before we go on a date."

"Yeah, I get that," Maria agreed.

Our Head of Year came out of her office and told us to get to form. We stood up and made our way to our form rooms. Lottie and I were still chatting about the boys as we walked to form.

"How is it really going with Tom?" Lottie asked quietly.

I sighed and shook my head.

"I really like him, Lottie," I admitted. "I want to be with him and I know we've only had one date but there was a connection. He really understands me and he even said he liked me as well."

"I feel a but coming on."

"But I'm so awkward! I have no clue how to date or how to be a girlfriend and he's older than me and had girlfriends before me. What if he's expecting something and I'm not it? What is he's disappointed with me?"

"Ellen, Tom could never be disappointed in you," Lottie stopped and put her hands on my shoulders. "Believe me, he is head over heels for you. You've spent months together in America. He knows everything about you, your personality, and he still fancies you. That's got to be something positive."

I thought about Lottie's words. We had practically lived together in Atlanta for a while and I'd seen most of Tom's habits, both good and bad. If I still fancied him after that, maybe he still fancied me.

"You reckon?" I asked.

"Absolutely! Harrison told me a few things as well," Lottie said.

"Really? Like what?"

"Like Tom does fancy you, like he said yesterday. And he wished he didn't have to go to America but he had no choice, just like he told you. You need to trust him, Ellen. Not all boys lie to you about liking you," Lottie said.

I nodded and we continued to walk to form. Maybe she was right. I was so used to boys pretending to like me and then laughing in my face after they embarrassed me. Tom was more mature and kinder than the others. I knew he would treat me better than the others and he'd take care of me, but deep down my confidence was so low. It would take some time before I accepted Tom as the real deal.

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