Chapter 27: I Love You

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June 25, 2017
Whitby Hotel, New York City

You know what the worst thing you can do when you're so exhausted you can't stand? Go to work. What am I doing now? Going to work.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes as my mom and I stood in the lift going down to the conference room where the Spider-Man: Homecoming press conference was being held. For the last ten days, I've been doing non-stop photocalls, interviews and appearances to promote the film. At first, I was incredibly stroked and lucky to be given the opportunity to be an actress and do the promotion things. The interviews were my favourite. I got to be myself and, although I was nervous, I had so much fun. In the first dozen. Then it got boring and I was repeating the same things over and over again. And the jet-lag. Oh my god, fuck my life.

So, here I am, wishing I was wrapped in my duvet and watching Netflix with the greasiest New York pizza. Alas, that was not the case.

The lift pinged and the doors slid open. The lobby was bustling with reporters, bloggers and journalists waiting for the conference to begin. Some of them saw I was coming out of the lift and approached me with beaming smiles. I forced myself to show a tired grin and shook hands with them. They conversed with me briefly but my weary state was making me irritated and I wanted to get away from them. My mom saw that I was about to explode and she stepped in to save me.

"Thank you, I was gonna thump them if I didn't get away," I said quietly to my mom as we walked away.

"It's alright, I know you're tired," she said, rubbing my arm in comfort.

"I hope this isn't like the other interviews," I said.

"I don't think it will be," Mom said. "It's a conference so all the questions will probably be more formal, I'm guessing."

"Maybe," I shrugged.

To the right, I noticed Tom and Harrison talking to Jacob in the corner of the room. Jacob noticed me from across the room and waved frantically at me. The boys turned in my direction and waved at me when they saw me. I waved back and made my way over to them alone.

"Hi guys," I greeted, trying my best to pep up.

"Hey Ellen wassup?" Jacob said.

I shrugged tiredly. "Nothing much, just soldiering on."

"Aww, you're an inspiration to the troops," Harrison joked.

I scrunched my eyes up at him, doing my best 'I am not amused' impression. My hands went to my hips and I straightened my back.

"I'm really not in the mood, Harrison," I warned him.

He put his hands up in defence. "Ok, ok. I'll stop teasing."

Tom's hand sneakily wrapped around my right wrist and he gently tugged my hand away from my hip. I gazed down at his large warm hand engulfing my smaller wrist. This small gesture of affection was the closest we had managed to get to showing our love for one another. We hadn't announced our relationship yet but people suspected it so we kept it on the down low.

Tom leaned into me discreetly and got close to my ear to whisper into it.

"Come with me," he breathed.

I glanced around the room to make sure no one was watching and nodded gently at his request. Harrison winked at me and Tom grabbed my arm to lead me away from the crowd. I turned on the spot and walked close to his side so people couldn't see our conjoined hands. The last thing we needed was one of these journalists getting a picture of us being cuddly.

As soon as we were clear of the room, Tom sped up and I quickened my pace to keep up to him. He dashed into the nearest closet, throwing me into the room and slamming the door behind him. It was pitch dark inside and I couldn't see a thing. A pair of warm lips pressed themselves against mine. They eagerly moved in sync with mine as the kiss deepened. His tongue moved across the bottom lip and I opened my mouth slightly. Our tongues battled for dominance but Tom easily won when I moaned as his tongue lapped mine. He cupped my cheeks with his hands and titled my head to gain better access. My hands gripped his coat and I pulled him forward until he couldn't get closer to me. He turned me around and pushed me against the door. His lips moved down to my jawline and my neck. When I felt him sucking on my neck, I gently pushed him away.

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