Chapter 2

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"Idella, algo está mal con Emilio." (Idella, something is wrong with Emilio) Ivan said shaking me awake and I started to hear Emi in pain. "Necesitamos a Nick, él tiene que ir al hospital." (We need Nick, he has to go to the hospital) I told Ivan and he went to go do that while I got on the bed with Emi and stayed with him comforting him until Nick and Ivan came into the room. "What's wrong?" Nick asked. "Emi is most likely hurt from when he was stupid and jumped off the roof a couple days ago, I told them it wasn't a good idea." I told him. "Yeah that was bad, can he move?" Nick asked. "Puedes moverte?" (Can you move) I asked Emi. "Sí, pero duele." (Yes but it hurts) He replied.

"Te conseguiremos ayuda, estarás bien." (we will get you help you will be ok) I told him helping him down and we went to the van. The twins and I in the back and Nick driving. "Idella quédate conmigo cuando estemos allí." (Idella stay with me when we are there) Emi said taking my hand. "Por supuesto Emi." (Of course Emi) I replied and when I looked at Ivan he was clearly jealous. "Por qué te ves celoso?" (Why do you look jealous) I asked Ivan and a huff was heard from his brother as Nick looked back at us. "No es nada Idella." (It is nothing Idella) He replied. "What's going on?" Nick asked. "Ivan is jealous I'm spending time with his brother." I replied. "Oh does he like you?" He asked. "Maybe." I replied. We got to the hospital and sat with Ivan while Emi and Nick filled out their paper work.

"Why did you put Ivan's name?" I asked looking it over. "This isn't Ivan?" Nick asked. "No, this is Emilio." I replied shaking my head. "Oh well, they are twins." He replied and I sat beside Ivan again. When we went into the room I stood beside Emi who was sitting on the examining table and he put his head against me. "Vas a estar bien." (You will be fine) I told Emi kissing the top of his head. "Confío en ti Idella." (I trust you Idella) Emi said. Ivan and Nick left while I stayed with Emilio so I could translate for the doctor and it turns out that he was fine, just really sore from falling down which is what Emilio said happened so we went home.

"Mi brother le gusta Idella." (My brother likes Idella) I heard Emilio tell Jake when I was walking outside, they didn't see me outside because I was coming from the side of the house I mean why not it's the team 10 house. "What?" Jake asked. "My brother likes Idella." Emilio said. "She like him?" Jake asked "Sí it's Idella and Ivan." Emilio replied. "Do you think we should set them up?" Jake asked. "Maybe." Emilio replied then I went back to Ivan who was on his bed. "Te gusto." (You like me) I said to Ivan sitting beside him. "Quien dice?" (Who says) He asked. "Emilio le dijo a Jake." (Emilio told Jake) I replied. "Te gusto?" (You like me) He asked. "Pues, sí. Creo que eres muy guapo." (You are right. I think you are very handsome) I told him smiling.

"Serás mi novia?" (Will you be my girlfriend) He asked taking my hand. "Sí lo haré." (Yes I will) I replied before kissing him then cuddling with him. "Me alegro." (I'm glad) He said pulling me close to him and resting his head against mine. "Ivan, tengo algo que contarte." (Ivan I have something to tell you) I told him. "Bien, qué es?" (Well what is) He asked. "El último día que estuve en España y nos juntamos?" (The last day I was in Spain and we got together) I said. "Sí." (Yes) he said. "Tenemos una hija de años llamada Odelia." (We have a year-old daughter named Odelia) I told him and his eyes went wide. "Una hija que teníamos dieciséis años, donde está ella!" (a daughter we were sixteen where is she) He asked looking scared. "La di en adopción pero estoy muy cerca de sus padres, así que la veo casi a diario." (I gave her up for adoption but I'm very close to her parents, so I see her almost every day) I told him.

"Que esta pasando?" (What's going on) Emilio asked walking inside with Jake. "Idella y yo estamos saliend." (Idella and I are dating) Ivan replied. "What?" Jake asked. "Ivan and I are dating." I told him. "Awe so cute." He replied then left Emilio following him. "Te gustaría algo de comer?" (Do you want something to eat) Ivan asked after a while. "Sí." (Yes) I replied so we went to go make something to eat. "Que están haciendo, chicos?" (what are you doing guys) I asked watching Ivan and Emi. "Oso de peluche broma." (teddy bear joke) Emi said. "entonces Iván estará en el oso estoy adivinando." (then Ivan will be in the bear I'm guessing) I replied.

" Sí." Ivan said laying on the bear and I laid on him. "Tenemos que hacer el video ahora." (we have to make the video now) Emi said so I stayed quiet and hid behind the camera watching the boys then stood behind the camera helping Emi while Ivan scared people. "Emilio ven a pasar el rato con nosotros." (Emilio come and hang out with us) Ivan said while he was cuddled with me. "Te gusta Emilio más que un amigo." (you like Emilio more than a friend) Jake said to me walking into the room. "I like Emi as just a friend, but I do think he is attractive I do like Ivan." I told him and Ivan clearly didn't like that answer and I knew he understood because he got upset and left the room. "Ivan and Emi are twins, if I don't think Emilio is attractive who's to say that someone can switch it to say that I don't like Ivan." I said to Jake. "Ustedes dos son gemelos idénticos Me gustan ustedes dos porque se ven iguales." (You two are identical twins I like you two because they look the same) I told a confused looking Emilio. "Sí, es correcto." (Yeah that's right) Emi replied then I went to go find Ivan.

"What did you do?" Chance asked me as I walked into the living room. "What?" I asked before seeing Ivan being comforted by Tony. "What the hell did you do to him?" Tony said looking at me. "Por favor solo vete." (please just go) Ivan told me looking at me and he was crying. "Ivan ustedes dos son dos gemelos que es atractivo pero me encanta tú y sólo tú." (Ivan you two are two twins who is attractive but I love you and only you) I told him sitting beside him and taking his hand in mine. "Lo siento, Idella, es solo que Emilio es mi hermano mayor y yo solo estoy en el fondo." (I'm sorry, Idella, it's just that Emilio is my older brother and I'm just in the background) Ivan said.

"Te amo." (I love you) I told him as he put his head on my shoulder. "Yo también te amo." (I love you too) He replied. "Are you two ok now?" Chance asked. "Yeah, just a bit of misunderstanding." I replied hugging Ivan to me. "No me dejes." (Don't leave me) Ivan said wrapping his arms around me. "Estás atrapado conmigo." (you're stuck with me) I replied resting my head against his. "Is everything good?" Jake whisper asked me later, Ivan was cuddled up to me and fell asleep while I was on my phone. "Yeah, just a misunderstanding." I replied. "Good I'm sorry I asked but you are really close to both of them." He said. "It's fine, he needed to hear it." I replied. "Qué está pasando hoy?" (What is happening today?) I asked the boys walking back into their makeshift room after eating breakfast.

"Estamos poniendo algodón en la piscina." (We are putting cotton in the pool) Emi replied. "Quién se está metiendo en la piscina?" (who's getting into the pool?) I asked them. "Yo." (Me) Ivan replied. "Te calentaré cuando los dos terminen." (I'll warm you up when the two of you finish) I told him kissing him them leaving the house to do some shopping while Emi had a disgusted look on his face. When I got back to the house I went and snuck to the backyard to watch Emi and Ivi. When they were done their outro i snuck up behind them and hugged Ivan while kissing his cheek. "Ahí está la linda pareja." (There's the cute couple) Emi said. "Estás celoso de que tu hermanito tenga novia?" (Are you jealous that your little brother has a girlfriend?) I asked letting go of Ivan and kissing Emi's cheek.

"Ustedes dos son tan lindos juntos." (you two are so cute together) Emi replied pushing me towards his brother again and Ivan took me to the room to cuddle then took me to dinner for valentine's day.

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