Chapter 33

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"Ok everyone, Ivan and Ruben left the hotel to explore and I'm staying in so I can talk to you guys." I started. "I don't entirely know what's going on with my twins even though I was in the same house as them until Emi left, it has something to do with Saturday night when I wasn't with them." I said knowing exactly why Emi is mad but he wouldn't let me go with him to work things out with Ivi. "This whole thing is stupid, my twins need to flipping get themselves together and talk this whole situation out like men, I am enjoying being here but this whole thing is out of control, I'm getting through things with Ivan so why can't Emi but at the same time I understand where Emilio is coming from, I'm pissed at what Ivan did but he's my husband and I'm making us work it out for the little bean I have growing in me." I told the camera then I went on about the twins fighting and sides and what not then ended the video.

"What the hell is this video Idella?" Ivan said when him and Ruben came back to the room. "My actual thoughts on you and your brother." I told him. "Why?" Ruben asked. "Because people were leaving comments saying that I was just saying that stuff because you two were here but I put out my truth." I told them. "What about the fight theres never been talk of any fighting." Ivan said. "You need to watch Emi's latest video." I told them laying on our bed. "We still need to work things out." He said. "Yeah we do, like that Saturday night, what the hell were you thinking?" I asked him. "I wasn't and I'm so sorry and I wish none of that happened." He told me. "I wish none of it happened either." I said as he wrapped his arms around me and put his chin on my shoulder.

"Te amo." He said kissing my shoulder that was exposed to him. "Te amo bebé." I replied lifting his chin to peck his lips. We spent the rest of the trip hand in hand having a nice relaxing time with Ruben by our side. On the last day Ivan and I got into a huge fight and ended up pissed at each other. "No, you can go sleep on the couch by yourself." I told him walking up to our room when we walked into the house then Emilio came walking down so the twins could so whatever. "Emi." I said hugging him when he came into my room. "Hey Idella, what's going on?" He asked. "Your brother is being a dumb head." I said kissing his cheek then taking my bags to my room. "What did you do?" I heard Emi ask Ivan before I was out of earshot. "Idella?" Ruben questioned walking into the room. "It's not me it's not him it's the hormones already." I said before crying and I felt arms warp around me and I buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"I'm so sorry." I said pulling him close to me. "It's ok baby." Ivan replied wrapping his arms around me. "Entiendo que es el bebé, yo no estoy loco a todos." (I understand that it is the baby, I am not mad at all) He replied. "How?" I asked. "Emilio, Ruben and I looked at what's going to happen after you told us." He replied. "Awe Ivan." I said hugging him tightly and kissing him. "Do I still have to sleep on the couch?" He asked with a laugh when I looked at him and wiped the last of his tears away. "No bebé." I replied leaning my forehead against his. "I wouldn't be able to sleep if I did." He said moving his head to kiss me and I deepened the kiss as we moved and he hover over me on the bed.

"We aren't mad at each other just some drama for views." He replied. "I'm going to take a nap." I told him getting under the covers. "You're no fun." He said kissing my forehead then leaving the room. When I woke up Ivan and Emilio were both cuddled up on either side of me, Ivan was holding my hand with our fingers intertwined and Emilio had an arm wrapped around me. "Idella?" Ruben asked walking into my room. "Yeah, the twins are asleep." I told him. "Emilio missed you, you keep them mellow and you can tell from Emi's videos." He said. "Yeah, I've been doing it from a young age." I replied looking at the twins. "I hope we can stay like this for a while, I will be sleeping a lot because of Ivan and my creation of the newest member of our family." I told him.

"Emilio, Ivan someone." I said, Emilio's grip on me tightened a little and Ivan's arm somehow made it's way around me so both of the twins had an arm around me while I was stuck in the middle of the bed. "Babe." I said turning to Ivan. "The baby is hungry." I said squirming around. Ivan's eyes opened and Emilio got up and left the room before Ivan kissed me then helped me off the bed and we followed Emilio to see him making food. "For me?" I asked getting on the counter. "Sí, everyone." He replied as Ivan rested his head against my stomach. "Bebé Martinez." Ivan said. "Bebé Martinez." I copied playing with Ivan's hair. "I know we don't know the gender yet but when I was pregnant with Odelia I was thinking of naming her Leocadio Nataniel if she was a boy." I told them.

"Leocadio, Lio." Ivan said. "Sí Lio." I replied. "Marianela Asun if it's a girl." Emilio said. "I love that name, Odelia and Marianela or Odelia and Leocadio." I said putting our children's names together. "They all sound good together." Ivan said. "Oh we need to tell Thais and Odelia about the baby still." I said so the four of us went to Thais's house. "Hey Thais is Odelia home too?" I asked when she answered. "Sí, come in." She said letting us in. "Odelia mamá Idella papá Iván tío Mio y tío Ruben están todos aquí." (Odelia mom Idella dad Ivan uncle Mioand uncle Ruben are all here) Thais called. "Mamá Idella papá Iván tío Mio y tío Ruben!" (Mommy Idella daddy Ivan uncle Mio and uncle Ruben) She exclaimed hugging to hug each of us.

"Tenemos noticias para ustedes chicos." (We've got news for you guys) I said before we all went to sit down.

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