Chapter 4

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"EMILIO!" I yelled when I woke up handcuffed to his brother knowing that Jake wouldn't have done it this time. "I savage." He replied as Ivan moved to sit up. "Dónde esta la llave?" (where is the key) I asked Emi. "Ido." (gone) He simply replied making me sigh. "Cuando lo recuperamos?" (when we recover it) I asked him. "Esta noche." (tonight) He replied. "Bien, Ivan, puedes saber lo que hago cuando tú y tu hermano no están conmigo." (Well, Ivan, you can know what I'm doing when you and your brother are not with me.) I told Ivan so we got ready for the day. Luckily for me he handcuffed my right hand and Ivan's left hand so I could still drive. "Emilio no pudo haber esperado hasta mañana para hacer esto." (Emilio could not have waited until tomorrow to do this) I said as we walked into the first meeting. "I am so sorry I had to bring him, his twin handcuffed us together." I told my boss showing me handcuffed to Ivan.

"It's fine Idella, we get teenage boys and plus Jake Paul's crew." She replied as Ivan and I sat down. "So let's get this meeting started." She said and we started to talk about things. "Idella, could you stay back for a few minutes?" Amber my boss asked. "Of course." I replied as Ivan and I stayed seated. "Are things going well?" Amber asked. "Very well, besides the stuff these two get into, I'm kind of surpised I'm not handcuffed to both of them." I said. "So who handcuffed you two?" She asked. "Emilio, he's out of control like he's jumping off roofs pretending that he lit Ivan on fire it's just crazy." I replied. "He sounds like he comes up with crazy stuff, but that's not a problem is it?" She asked. "Nope, I can handle them." I replied patting Ivan's knee. "Vamos Ivan." (Come on Ivan) I said standing up. "Ok great, same time in a couple of days." She said. "In a couple of days." I replied smiling then we left to my office so I could get paper work and a few books for the twins to learn english.

"Aquí para ti y tu hermano." (here for you and your brother) I said as I gave the books to Ivan. "Qué son?" (what are they) He asked as we left. "Libros para enseñarle a usted y Emi inglés." (books to teach you and Emi english) I replied and he had a kind of mad look on his face. "Que pasa?" (what's wrong) I asked him putting my hand on his knee. "Todos están tratando de cambiarnos." (everyone is trying to change us) He replied. "No, no estamos tratando de cambiarte bebé, solo nos aseguramos de que puedas comunicarte en inglés, si tú y Emilio quieren que los tres de nosotros podamos comunicarnos en español todavía." (no, we are not trying to change you baby, we just make sure you can communicate in English, if you and Emilio want the three of us to be able to communicate in Spanish yet) I told him. "Jake no nos ayudará con eso." (Jake wont help us with it ) Ivan said. "El tiempo ha cambiado, pero todavía estoy aquí para ustedes dos." (the time has changed, but I'm still here for you two) I told him.

"Sé que Idella." (I know Idella) He replied then we went to lunch and the rest of my meetings then it was time to go home. "Here Jake." I said as Ivan set the books in front of him. "For the twins to learn english?" He asked looking at the books. "My boss Amber said they would work better than anything we could find in any store, fanjoy isn't for clothes when it comes to their employees, especially someone as high up as I am." I told him. "And how high up are you?" Jake asked. "I'm pretty much the owners daughter, they took me in when I moved here and they gave me a job at Fanjoy, I run everything online since I'm so young." I replied. "Sweet so we could get deals working with Fanjoy?" Jake asked. "Yup, it pays to know people." I replied smiling then went to find Emilio to try to get the key. "EMILIO!" I yelled as we walked up the stairs. "Sí Idella." Emilio said.

"The key." I said. "Key?" He asked. "Key." I replied showing him the handcuffs. "Key?" He asked again not understanding. "Key, llave." I said pretending to unlock the handcuffs. "Oh llave." He said getting it and taking the handcuffs off of us. "La gente nos miraba todo el día hoy gracias a ti Emi." (people looked at us all day today thanks to you Emi) I told him. "Perdón Idella." (forgiveness Idella) Emi replied. "Tú e Iván tienen suerte de que ambos sean lindos." (you and Ivan are lucky that both are cute) I told him. "Idella nos consiguió libros para ayudar a aprender inglés." (Idella got us books to help us learn English) Ivan told his brother. "Gracias Idella." (thank you Idella) Emi replied hugging me. "De nada." (you're welcome) I replied hugging him back. "Podemos comenzar mañana voy a la cama." (we can start tomorrow I go to bed) I told them going to the bathroom to change then got into bed.

"Idella viene a Carolina del Sur con nosotros." (Idella comes to South Carolina with us) Ivan said the next morning. "Jake me dejará ir con ustedes dos?" (Jake will let me go with you two ) I asked them. "Si, Rebeca está allí y queremos que la veas de nuevo." (Yes, Rebeca is there and we want you to see her again) Emi replied so I packed and we went to South Carolina. "Rebeca encontramos a Idella nuevamente." (Rebeca we find Idella again) Ivan said hugging his sister. "Idella." She said hugging me after Emilio. "Hola." I said hugging her back. "Vamos a hacer el desafío del maquillaje con Rebeca." (Let's do the makeup challenge with Rebecca) Emi said. "Sí, hagámoslo Rebeca." (yes let's do it Rebeca) Ivan said agreeing with his brother. "Ayudaré con la cámara." (I will help with the camera) I told them and we went to go get everything ready.

"Cómo crees que lo hice Idella?" (How do you think I did it?) Rebeca asked. "Se ven lindos, podría llevar a Iván a nuestra habitación ahora mismo." (They look cute, I could take Ivan to our room right now) I told her sitting in Ivan's lap and kissing him. "Puedo quitarme la venda de los ojos ahora?" (Can I take the blindfold off now?) Rebeca then asked the boys. "Si." I heard Emi say as Ivan led me back to our room after we got the camera and Emi came with us.

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