Chapter 29

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"Idella, come help me with my make up." Ivan said walking into my room. "Ok." I replied so he carried me to the bathroom and I helped him get make up on suggesting where to put it and even helping put it on after I did the same with Emilio and they pranked Ruben while I slept. "Babe, will you help us with our next video?" Ivan asked when I walked into the kitchen to eat. "Sure what do I do?" I asked. "We need a wig some dresses and you need to do his make up." Emilio said. "My husband is turning into a girl?" I asked them. "Just for the video." Ivan said. "Fine but only because I love you, and you're family." I told them. They filmed whatever before I did Ivan's make up. "We should film a video where I actually do your make up and Emilio's." I said getting my make up out and sitting on the counter where I could actually put make up on Ivan. I got started and remembered to tell Ivan what I was doing.

"We'll need you to help us film now." Emilio said. "Whenever you need me I'm here for you." I replied so they handed me a camera and I helped them film trying not to laugh the whole time. "You guys are so weird." I said when they were done. "Thanks bebé." Ivan replied pulling me to the bathroom so I could take the make up off of him. "Please never dress up as a girl again, it was really weird and creepy." I told him while I was still on the counter. "Wasn't I pretty?" He asked. "You were so pretty." I replied kissing him. "Ok." He replied helping me down then we went out to eat.

"Ruben." I whispered walking into the living room. "What?" He asked. "I I I'm pregnant." I whispered. "Really?" He asked. "It's Ivan's, but I don't know what to do, we're eighteen." I said. "Just tell them, they will know what to do." He replied. "I'm scared." I said. "Don't worry." He replied. "How can I not?" I asked. "Tell them and don't worry." He replied. "You're no help." I said then left. "Idella." Jake said hugging me. "Yo Jakey, where is everyone else?" I asked. "Around." He replied. "Hey Nathan." I said to the guy behind the camera. "Hey Idella, it's been a long time." He said. "I know, I can't get away from the twins much and I don't want to." I replied. "We heard they joined the Cloutgang when they left team 10." Jake said.

"They did, I wanted nothing to do with RiceGum or the others, they hurt team 10 and they bully, personally I never left you guys, I just followed my husband I'm a team 10 member not living in the house like Erika and Justin." I said. "Yeah, so what's going on?" He asked. "Gather everyone down here please." I said. "Of course." He replied and an intercom came on while Jake told everyone to get down here. "I'm pregnant with Ivan's baby and I don't know what to do." I told them. "Tell the twins, give this one up or leave Ivan and Emilio and come back to us." Chance said. "I can't leave the twins." I told them. "Why not?" Anthony asked. "Because unlike them I don't quit on people who treat me like family plus I'm in love with Ivan and if anyone forgot I am actually married to Ivan." I said. "Oh yeah I forgot I did that to you two." Jake replied. "I want to come back but I can't leave my husband." I said. "Go tell them mostly Ivan but just we can help if you need it." Nick said then they all hugged me then I left.

"Idella, you should tell them today." Ruben said walking into my room a few days later. "Why?" I asked sitting up. "Emilio is going to prank Ivan." He whispered. "Oh gosh ok what if they aren't down?" I asked. "Just do it Dela." He replied. "Ok, when?" I asked. "Just wait for Emilio to walk out of the room." He said. "Alright, I will." I replied and waited to tell them. "You can have a baby too they can take Instagram pictures." Emilio told Ivan. "You took it too far." Ivan then said. "Don't you want a baby?" Emilio asked Ivan. "I do." He replied. "Let's have a baby." Emilio then said then they started to talk then Emilio walked out of the room and I pulled him back in then turned off the cameras. "I have some news." I told them.

"What is it?" Ivan asked. "Well." I said looking at Ruben. "I'm pregnant." I told them looking between both of them. "What?" Emilio asked as Ivan smiled. "We are going to get the baby we want." I told them. "For real?" Ivan asked. "Yes." I told him. "We are going to have a second child?" He then asked. "Yes, I am pregnant this is not a prank or a joke or whatever you think it is I have Ivan's child growing inside of me again." I told them. "Yes." Ivan said as Emilio just sat there staring at me. "Take a test." Emilio said so I walked to the bathroom and showed them that it was unopened before peeing on it and waiting. "Well?" Emilio asked from the other side of the door and I gave them the test. "IDELLA IS PREGNANT!" Emilio and Ivan yelled while jumping around.

"We need to get ready, buy a crib and other stuff the baby needs, make it a room, buy clothes." Ivan started to list. "Ivan, we have eight months." I told him. "Oh ok." He replied hugging me close to him. "We can do some stuff like what room is going to be the baby's room?" I asked him. "The one across from the office then if we are working I can hear the baby." He said. "Yeah sure." I said as he wrapped me in his arms tightly.

"We're finally going to have our own baby." I said wrapping my arms around him. "Have you told Thais and Odelia?" He asked. "No but team 10 knows." I said accidentally letting it slip and he pushed me away from him. "What did you just say?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows as Emilio and Ruben watched us. "Team 10, just listen yes you and Emilio left the team but I didn't, I'm still apart of their team." I told him. "Get out." He said slowly and clearly angry. "Baby." I said. "Don't just leave." He said so I packed everything I owned with tears spilling from my eyes and I left the house and went to Jake because I had no where else to go. "I accidentally told them I still talk to you guys, he kicked me out." I said falling into his arms and crying. "Like actually kicked you out?" He asked. "Yeah everything I own is in my car." I replied standing up and wiping my tears.

"Everyone we have a situation come to the living room." Jake said into his phone and everyone got to the living room then we walked in. "Idella what happened?" Anthony said standing up and hugging me. "Ivan kicked me out when he found out I still talk to you guys." I told them. "You two are married." Chance said. "I know and we have a child on the way." I replied crying more getting Anthony's sweater all wet. "We won't let that happen, team 10 trip, no cameras." Jake said so everyone but Jake and I got into the van, we got into my car and we drove to the house. Jake knocked on the door and Ruben opened it. "We need to talk to you three now." Jake said as the twins came down. "Let them in." Emilio said and we all walked inside. "Ivan, you made your WIFE cry, yes she still talks to us because she doesn't turn her back on family, please make up with your wife, don't do anything stupid." Anthony said as he was hugging me again.

"Idella's the one to convince us to make the Jake Paul diss track, she helped us write the lyrics and she made all the arrangements to make the music video." Emilio said. "Idella is that true?" Jake asked. "Yes but listen to me, Ivan is my husband, I hated seeing him so hurt so I tried any way I could to make him happy again and I did everything I could to make him happy and a diss track about Jake was something that made him feel better and I would do it over again for them but at the same time you, Jake and Nick brought me back to Ivan and Emilio." I said. "That is true." Jake said. "Wait why were they upset?" Anthony asked. "Because they felt like you wern't a family to them because I was the only one who actually could communicate and you guys wern't very nice to them, so yeah I helped them because they are literally my family because of you guys but you guys are also my family and seeing him so hurt I got mad at you guys." I told them.

"She loves you, and she was only still with our team because she needed more friends and she doesn't just leave people." Chance said. "Idella, I hate to do this because you're like our little sister and we all love you just like with the twins but we can no longer have you on our team due to your husband." Nick said and we had one more family hug before they all left. "Can't I come back with you?" I asked them as they were leaving. "No." Jake simply said before he closed the door. "Dela." Ivan whispered as Emilio and Ruben left to go do whatever. "No." I said mad that I was just dropped from team 10. "Te amo lo siento mucho pero fueron malos con nosotros." (I love you I'm sorry but they were bad with us) Ivan said. "They gave you and your brother a home, they gave you and your brother a family and helped you move here, they were helping you they loved you like little brothers." I replied pissed.

"Della." He said again. "Don't call me that." I replied. "Please talk." He said stepping forward. "They helped you, they taught you English, they were your friends, you had everything with them and then you and your brother walked away instead of just talking to them." I told him looking at him. He put his head down in defeat and left the room. "Dela?" Emilio asked walking into the room as Ruben walked in. "What Emilio?" I asked. "Please talk to him when you're not mad." He told me. "Maybe." I replied getting comfy. "Please if not for you two then for the baby." He said quietly then they left and I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to someone picking me up and taking me somewhere but I was too tired to care. When I woke up the next morning I was wrapped in Ivan's arms with his face in the crook of my neck.

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