Chapter 9

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"So our friend Ruben is coming over soon to hang out." I heard Ivan say from the living room. "What's going on today?" I asked walking towards him. "Look, it's Idella." He said making me smile. "Hola Martinators." I said into the camera then kissed Ivan's cheek before getting ready for the day. "Ivan, dónde está tu mamá?" (Ivan where is your mom) I asked him. "Work." He replied. "Alright, hey comiste?" (hey did you eat) I asked him. "No." He replied making me pout. "Por qué recibo respuestas de una palabra?" (what's with the one word answers) I asked. "Nada, preguntas que respondo en una palabra." (Nothing, questions that I answer in a word) He replied. "I am aren't I." I said then went to make everyone breakfast.

"Ruben." I heard Ivan say when he opened the door. "Ivan." He replied. "Dónde está Emilio?" (Where is Emilio) He asked. "Dormir todavía." (Sleeping still) Ivan replied. "Quien esta en la cocina?" (Who's in the kitchen) He asked. "Idella, la encontramos en Los Ángeles y estoy saliendo con ella ahora." (Idella, we found her in Los Angeles and I'm dating her now) Ivan replied. "Todos sabíamos que te reunirías de nuevo." (We all knew that you would meet again) Ruben said. "Sí, yo también lo sabía." (Yes, I knew it too) I replied sitting on the couch. "I'm going to prank Ruben first." Ivan said walking into the kitchen while I made Emi his plate and cleaned up everything else. "What are you doing?" I asked him and he smiled at me then continued what he was doing. "You're so cute." I told him kissing his cheek. After relaxing for a while I heard Emi yell and I knew he saw his hair so I went to see what was going on.

"Ivi, go." I told him as Emi was clearly mad. "Emi, stop." I said hugging him. "Look what he did." He said pulling away from me and pointing to his hair. "Lo sé, me dijo, puede llevar todo el día que tu cabello vuelva a ser normal pero está bien." (I know, he said, it can take all day for your hair to return to normal but it's fine) I told him trying to get him to calm down but it didn't work and he went for Ivan again. "Emi!" I said before Ruben finally got him to cool down. "Come on, pasa el día quitando el tinte de tu cabello." (spend the day removing the dye from your hair) I told him and he did. "Estás enojado conmigo patito?" (Are you angry with me duckling) Ivan asked wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "No soy pero tu hermano es más que probable." (I am not but your brother more than likely ) I told him before kissing him.

"Qué planes tienes hoy?" (What plans do you have today?) I asked Ivan watching him look for something. "Tiempo de relajación hoy por qué?" (relaxation time today why) He asked walking towards me and kissing the end of my nose. "Sólo me preguntaba." (just wondering) I said grabbing his hand and pulling him back to me so I could actually kiss him then let him go. "Que estas haciendo ahora?" (What are you doing now) I asked Emi who had waxing strips with him in the hall. "Depilando a mi hermano." (waxing my brother) He replied looking at me. "Ustedes tres me llevarán a la playa mañana." (You three will take me to the beach tomorrow) I told them then left the house.

"Estoy de vuelta ahora." (i am back now) I called into the house walking in. "Idella mi hermano y Ruben estaban tratando de encerar mis piernas." (Idella my brother and Ruben were trying to wax my legs) Ivan said running towards me. "No estás dejando tus piernas así." (you are not leaving your legs like this) I told him pulling him into the bathroom then I helped Emi and Ruben finish waxing Ivan's legs. "Vamos a ir a la playa mañana." (let's go to the beach tomorrow) I said after Emi and Ruben left, Ivan was still sitting on the counter and I was standing in front of him holding his hand. "Sí, entonces puedo verte en traje de baño." (yes, then I can see you in a bathing suit) He said before getting down and kissing me making me roll my eyes at him.

"Bebé, date prisa, queremos ir." (baby, hurry, we want to go) Ivan said walking into the room. "Ivan, no puedes simplemente entrar a la habitación cuando me estoy preparando." (Ivan, you can not just enter the room when I'm preparing) I told him before grabbing the rest of what I needed and we left. They filmed a bit while I relaxed and Ruben helped them then Ruben decided to nap on the beach and Emilio threw me in the water. "Emi!" I exclaimed when I came up from under the water. "Fue idea de Ivan que simplemente fui con eso." (it was Ivan's idea that I just went with that) Emi said as Ivan came in and I splashed him which ended up in us splashing each other.

"Rubén está dormido, vamos a despertarlo." (Ruben is asleep, let's wake him up) Emi said smiling. "Lo grabaré por ti." (I will record it for you) I said taking the camera from Ivan. "Three two one." They said before running up to where Ruben was and threw sand on him. "Cometiste el error de dormir con Ivan y Emi a tu alrededor." (you made the mistake of sleeping with Ivan and Emi around you) I told Ruben on our way to what the boys had planned next. "Volveremos pronto." (we will be back soon) Emi said before we said ok and they left. "Ivan ven a hacer algo conmigo, no hemos pasado mucho tiempo solos últimamente." (Ivan come to do something with me, we have not spent much time alone lately) I said sitting beside him on the couch. "Ven a acurrucarte." (Come to snuggle) He said opening his arms for me and I moved so Ivan could wrap his arms around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

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