Chapter 24

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"FAMILIA ESTOY EN CASA." (Family im home) I yelled into the house when I finally got home. "IDELLA." Tessa yelled running down the stairs and hugging me. "Ivan told us you were where the attacks happened." She said pulling me closer. "I was, but I'm ok, I'm fine." I replied hugging her as everyone else came out of different places. "IDELLA!" Jake said hugging me and we had a family hug without the twins. "You're ok." Tony said. "I am and so are the twins." I replied. "When are they coming home?" Chance asked. "I don't know, and I'm afraid they might not come back." I replied. "We'll be here." Jake said. "Yeah thank you, everyone." I said smiling then taking all of my stuff to my room, it was the way I left it every piece of the twins clothes they left were still on my bed and my picture of Ivan was still taped to the wall.

"Bebé." I said when Ivan answered the phone when I got home from flying and buying a new phone, I wasn't able to get everything from my old phone but pictures and contacts thankfully. "Hola Idella, are you home safe?" He asked. "Yeah did you and Emi not get my text?" I asked. "No." He replied. "I sent them." I said as he called Emilio into his room and they read my text. "Ok good, is the team good?" Emilio asked. "Yes they are and they are happy I'm home and they all miss you." I told them. "We miss all of you." Ivan replied. "Ok go away Emilio." Ivan said. "Bye Idella." Emilio said then left after I said bye. "I'll be home soon." He said. "I know, but I already miss you, and I want you here with me cuddled in bed." I said. "I should be with you cuddled in bed." He replied. "I love you ducky." I told him. "I love you too Duckling and I'll be with you before you know it." He replied.

"I know, I'll see you really soon." I said then we said bye I love you then I hung up and then went to spend time with my friends. "Idella, do you want to go to the beach?" Tristan and Tessa asked walking into the room. "Yeah sure I'll get ready." I said and got ready then we went to the beach and had some fun. "It's been two months." I said laying on the couch where Chance Anthony and Jake were sitting, I haven't really left my room since I came home. "They will come back." Jake said. "I miss my twins." I told them. "Yeah we know." Anthony said getting up and hugging me. "Let's go do something have you guys worked out?" I asked. "No, come on." Chance said so we went to go work out. When we got home I went back to sleep, everyone knew not to mess with me right now.

I heard yelling later that night and walked out of the room to see the twins. "IVAN EMILIO!" I yelled jumping on Emilio to hug him so I could jump on Ivan and hug him longer. "Bebé." I said hugging him tightly and burying my face in the crook of his neck. "Mi mujer." (My wife) He whispered. "Mi esposo." (My husband) I whispered back then I kissed him and he deepened the kiss so we were just standing in the middle of the entry way with everyone around while making out making everyone leave. "I missed you so much but now here we are in each other's arms again." I said smiling and looking at Ivan. "Sí Idella, I missed you and kissing you and holding you." He replied so when the twins were done vlogging Ivan got into bed with me and we fell asleep in each other's arms again. A few days later we all went to Hawaii for a vacation.

"We're going to the beach." Ivan said. "Nooooo." I said not getting up. "Please, I want to see my sexy wife in a bikini." Ivan said crawling on top of me and kissing me. "Or everyone else can go and we can stay here." I suggested. "No, come on." He said getting up. "Fine." I said getting up and getting ready and we left. "Te amo." Ivan whispered in my ear as we were walking to the beach. "Te amo." I whispered back kissing his cheek. "We are making a song come on." Ivan said pulling me off the bed. "Piggy back ride." I replied turning him around and jumping on his back making us both fall. "IVAN!" I yelled laughing while he got up and helped me up then we tried it again and we went to the studio.

When they were done I was ready to fall asleep so Ivan carried me back to the hotel and I fell asleep cuddled up to Ivan. The next morning I woke up and went to do my own things for our trip since I'm not a vlogger and I'd meet up with them to eat and go back to the hotel, while Ivan mostly followed me besides when he was needed so I was close to them but not with them and we spend some time alone without all of them. "Bebé." I said the last day when we were getting ready to go home. "Sí?" He answered. "This was my favourite trip." I told him. "This was my favourite trip too because I was with you." He replied kissing my cheek. "Should we go?" I asked standing up. "We should." He replied. So we all went to the airport to go home.

"Idella we have to go." Ivan said. "I'll miss you." I said hugging him tightly. "I'll miss you too Emi." I said hugging him tightly then they left. "How are you?" Erika asked walking into the room. "They keep on leaving." I said looking at her. "I know, was it this bad when you were trying to live here?" She asked. "No, because I was pregnant it was easy." I replied. "Della." Ivan said when he called me one night. "Yeah?" I asked. "We have a good chance to get visas." He told me and I screamed making everyone who was home which was Erika and Chance and Anthony walk into the room. "What's going on?" Erika asked. "Ivi, tell Erika Chance and Anthony what you just told me." I said and he told them they are getting their visas. "What?" Chance asked as Tony said "no way." And we all hugged. "My baby is coming home for good." I said as we celebrated. "What is going on?" Jake asked as him and Tessa walked into the room. "The Martinez twins are getting their visas." Chance said. "No way really?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Yoooo that's sweet." Tessa added and we continued to celebrate after I hung up the call with Ivan.

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