Chapter 7

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"Ivan are you ok ducky?" I asked walking up when they left. "Yeah duckling." He replied as we sat on the couch and he pulled me close to him. "Are you sure you're ok?" I asked putting my hand on his cheek that Anthony hit with the shaving cream and he winced. "Want some ice?" I asked him and he nodded so I got him some ice and put it on his cheek while putting my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry he pranked you with shaving cream." I told him as he wrapped an arm around me. "What are you two doing?" Jake asked. "Chanthony hit people with shaving cream, they hit Ivan and he fell." I replied. "Can I vlog you two?" He asked. "The martinators who follow Emi and me on instagram know." Ivan told him. "So?" He asked. "Yes, just make it official on your vlog." I said. "Here we have Idella Fernández Emilio and Ivan's translator and twin Ivan Martinez, we are officially allowed to say that these two are dating, get ready for a lot of cute Ivalla moments because they are cute twenty-four seven." Jake said into his vlog.

"Jake, I need your help." I said walking into the offices, Emi and Ivi where outside doing whatever they were doing thankfully. "Ok what do you need help with?" He asked. "With the pranks my twins are pulling on each other and you, I'm still sorry about that by the way I want to start a prank channel." I told him. "Really?" He asked. "Of course, I mean you guys do prank each other but that's only a little thing in the vlogs, imagine how fun it would be to have a team 10 prank channel." I said. "That sounds fun, you wouldn't be pranked though." He said. "That's the thing, everyone can still prank me but only it will be on two cameras, whoever is pranking and mine, only I would have it in my point of view." I said. "Team 10 pranks with Idella." Jake then said. "I'm in." Nick said from his desk. "Nick's in, I'm in and don't worry, I talked to my work and well I'm in charge of all things social media, website, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram so they told me they would email me all the information I need and I can update everything." I told him.

"Let's start Team 10 pranks with Idella then." Jake said making me smile. "What's the first thing you're going to do?" Jake asked. "Well I'm assuming you mean after I buy everything I need, I was thinking we do a waxing prank on members." I said smiling. "Yes, I'll help with that." Jake said so we got Ivan and Emilio and went to get everything I needed for camera equipment than Jake went to get wax strips for our prank and then we went home. After Jake and I got everything ready we started to prank people with the wax strips putting them on exposed skin. "JAKE WHAT THE HELL?" Anthony questioned after Jake took the strip off of his leg while he was sleeping. "It was Idella's idea, not mind welcome to Team 10 pranks with Idella." He said. "Idella?" He asked confused. "If you think Emi is a savage you haven't met me yet, where do you think my twins got it from." I replied going to find Emi and Ivan and put the waxing strips on them.

Emilio yelled Ivan's name as Ivan yelled Emilio's name thinking it was the other one until they looked at me and I had the waxing strips in my hands and the go pro attached to me. "IDELLA!" They both yelled and I dropped the strips and ran to the kitchen and they were chasing me. "Idella get back here." Ivan said angry. "Something's going down." Jake said vlogging this. I dodged Emi as Ivan was chasing me and ran to the office which was a mistake because both Emi and Ivi followed me and Emi caught me. "NOOOOO!" I said trying to get out of his hold. "Qué demonios estás haciendo?" (What the hell are you doing) Ivan asked hugging me. "Savage Idella is back." I told them and they let go of me and ran. "What's going on?" Nick asked turning around as Chance and Anthony came walking in.

"The twins just ran out the front door." Chance said. "They are hiding." I replied. "Why?" Anthony asked. "Emilio and Ivan got savage from me." I told them. "So the waxing prank?" Chance asked. "Just the beginning, plus I'm starting a team 10 pranking channel." I replied. "So we should hide?" Anthony asked. "Most likely also if you need help with filming more than one side, ask me you can also prank me I'll just have it in my point of view, but like don't be scared now." I replied. "We will go find the twins." Chance said leaving with Anthony. "I SHALL BE FEARED!" I yelled walking to my room. "Idella." Ivan said as him and Emilio walked into the room and laid with me. "Do you two want something?" I asked. "No just cuddle." Emi replied. "Both of you?" I asked. "Yeah." Ivan replied. "Si Ivan está de acuerdo con eso, ven aquí." (if Ivan agrees with that, come here) I said opening my arms for them and they each cuddled into my sides.

"Awe look at them." I heard a voice say. "We should really leave them alone." A voice I knew as Erika said. "Just let us take a picture then we will leave." Jake's voice said. I moved to get more comfortable and rolled closer to Emi while Ivan moved closer to me. "They look even cuter now." Tessa said before the voices left and I fell back asleep. When I woke up again Ivan was still asleep and had me as close to him as I could get and Emi was no where to be found. "Ivan, ducky let's go get food." I said shaking him. "No, stay duckling." He replied. "I'm hungry, I need food like now." I replied before being picked up and brought to the kitchen. "What's going on?" Tessa asked looking at us. "Ivan is being a good boyfriend and getting me food." I replied. "I am." Ivan replied kissing me then making me something to eat. "Thank you ducky." I said smiling then eating. "No hay problema anadón." (no problem duckling) He replied sitting beside me and eating. "What does anadón mean?" Tessa asked. "It means duckling." I replied.

"Awe so ducky and duckling so cute." She said squealing then walked out of the room. "We are pranking Tessa." Emilio said after she left for the day. "What are you guys doing?" I asked him. "Moving Tessa's room and our room, then you can stay with us." Ivan said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek. "You want me to help?" I asked. "Please." Ivan said. "Only because I love you." I replied and we got Chance and Anthony to help. I was laying on the bed with Ivan waiting for Tessa to see what we did. "What the hell?" She asked looking around the room then looked in the closet. She then walked out and we followed her to the other room. "Do you hate us?" Ivan asked giving her the poop emoji pillow. "No, this is what you are." She said handing the twins the pillow.

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