Chapter 8

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"Duckling what's the matter?" Ivan asked wrapping his arms around me I was crying because the Martinators don't like me with Ivan. "Desde que salimos al público, he estado recibiendo mucho odio, tus fans me odian." (since we went out to the public, I've been receiving a lot of hate, your fans hate me) I told him before putting my head against his chest. 'Everyone is hating my girlfriend for dating me and it's making her cry I don't want to see her this way please stop I am happy that should be what matters and my girlfriend and my brother make me happy.' Ivan posted on twitter. "Thank you." I said wiping my eyes with his shirt. "Thanks duckling." He said looking at his shirt which was covered with my tears and make-up. "Sorry ducky." I said kissing him.

"No quiero que mi niña llore o esté triste, eso me rompe el corazón." (I do not want my girl to cry or be sad, that breaks my heart) He told me. "Gracias Ivan, te amo." (thank you Ivan i love you) I told him. "Te amo." (I love you) He replied kissing the side of my head. "Idella the twins are going to Spain for a while." Jake said walking into my room, the twins were doing something stupid like always. "Ok we don't like when you call them the twins anyways what do I do?" I asked. "Well you can either stay here and film pranks with Idella or go to Spain and film pranks they might do to each other." He replied. "I feel like I'm apart of the family but I've been with Ivi and Emi my whole life, and I feel like staying here wouldn't benefit the twins learning english." I told him. "True so I got you a plane ticket to go with them." He said. "You really do take care of team 10." I said hugging him. "Of course, it's my family." He replied hugging me back before I was pulled away and I knew Ivan wrapped his arms around me.

"Jealous much?" Jake asked and I knew it was Ivan. "No." He replied. "Awe ducky you are jealous." I said turning around and wrapping my arms around him. "Did you just call him ducky?" Jake asked. "Yes, I call him ducky and he calls me duckling." I replied. "So cute, Ivalla is my favourite ship." He said then left the room. "Estoy viniendo a España contigo." (I'm coming to Spain with you) I told him when Jake was gone. "Really?" He asked smiling. "Yes, so we will still work on your english." I told him. "Emilio too?" He asked. "Yes both of you." I replied. "Come pack." He said pulling me up to our room so I could pack. The next day we were off back to Spain, my first time since I moved to LA.

"No he estado aquí desde que me fui hace dos años." (I have not been here since I left two years ago) I told them on our way to their mom's house. "Mamá, estamos aquí." (Mom, we are here) Emilio said as we walked in. "Ivan Emilio." She said hugging them then their mom looked at me. "Idella?" She questioned. "Hola mamá." I replied smiling hoping she doesn't care that I'll still call her mom. "Hola Idella, en realidad estás aquí." (hi Idella, you're really here) She replied hugging me. "Qué te trae por aquí." (What brings you here) She then asked. "Mamá, Idella y yo estamos saliendo." (Mom, Idella and I are dating) Ivan said taking my hand. "Estoy tan feliz de que ustedes dos se hayan encontrado nuevamente Tenía miedo después de que tu familia se mudó." (I am so happy that you two have met again I was scared after your family moved) She replied.

"Puede Idella quedarse en mi habitación?" (Can Idella stay in my room) Ivan asked. "Si, si, porsupuesto." (Yes Yes of course) She replied showing Emi his room then Ivan and me our room. "Gracias mamá." (thank you mom) I said. "No es un problema para una de mis chicas favoritas." (it's not a problem for one of my favorite girls) She said hugging me then she went to the living room. "Ivan ven aquí y acurrúcate."(Ivan come here and snuggle) I said laying on the bed and reaching my arms out for him. "Estás cansado bebé?" (Are you tired baby?) He asked laying with me. "Muy cansado quiero dormir." (very tired I want to sleep) I told him laying my head on him and closing my eyes. "Ir a dormir patito voy a protegerte." (Go to sleep, duckling, I will protect you) He said and I went to sleep.

Ivan woke me up and we ate dinner with his mom and Emilio. "Cómo has sido Idella?" (how have you been Idella) The boy's mom asked during dinner. "He sido fina sólo trabajando, faltan España uh tenía a su nieta.También echaba de menos y Ivan y Emilio y Rebeca." (I've been fine just working, missing Spain I uh had your granddaughter. I also missed you, and Ivan and Emilio and Rebeca) I replied.

"Eso es bueno, nos hemos todos te extrañado demasiado, los gemelos, la mayoría, creo yo, esperan mi nieta." (that's good, we've all missed you too, the twins, the majority, I think, wait my granddaughter) She said. "Antes de marcharme de España tuvimos una fiesta para mí salir y Ivan y yo estuvimos juntos en la cama y dio lugar a una niña su nombre es Odelia y desde entonces tenía 16 años dio para arriba pero sigo." (before I left Spain we had a party for me leaving and Ivan and I were in bed together and it resulted in a baby girl her name is Odelia and since I was sixteen I gave her up but I'm still a huge part of her life) I told them. "Tengo un nieto." (I have a grandbaby) The twins mom said making me smile.

"Me preguntaba si aún podría llamarte mamá?" (I was wondering if I could still call you mom) I asked her after dinner when Ivi and Emi were cleaning up. "Por supuesto querido, eres parte de esta familia y si tú e Iván permanecen juntos y se casan, yo sería tu suegra." (Of course dear, you are part of this family and if you and Ivan stay together and get married, I would be your mother-in-law) She replied smiling making me smile and I hugged her. "Siempre he pensado en casarme con uno de los gemelos." (I've always thought about marrying one of the twins) I told her. "Estarás en más de sus videos?" (you will be in more of his videos) She asked me. "Sí, eso creo." (yeah I think so) I replied. "Los haces a los dos felices, es fácil de ver en sus videos." (you make them both happy, it's easy to see in their videos) She replied before the boys were done and we went to Emi's room.

"Te gusta mejor inglés o español?" (do you like english or spanish better) Ivan asked. "Español, por supuesto, es nuestro idioma nativo. Quiero volver aquí algún día." (Spanish, of course, is our native language. I want to come back here one day.) I told him kissing the end of his nose. "Podemos regresar un día para siempre." (we can go back one day forever) He told me making me smile. "Tengo que venir también." (I have to come too) Emi said. "Sí Emi te necesito aquí para nosotros no importa lo que eres nuestro mejor amigo los tres amigos." (yes Emi I need you here for us no matter what you are our best friend the three friends) I replied pulling Emi and Ivi to cuddle with me.

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