Chapter 25

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"Are you ready?" Erika asked. "Of course, I have to be." I replied. "You'll be ok, does Ivan know or Emilio?" Tessa asked as Jake hugged me. "No, I don't want them to I'm surprising them." I replied. "Ok, you'll be good." Chance said hugging me one last time and I went home. My mom is very sick and she could pass away at any moment so I'm going to see her. "Is Odelia ready?" I asked Thais when she answered the door. "Yes of course, we told family and her daycare what is going on." She replied as Odelia came running. "Mamá Dela." She said hugging me. "Bebé Dela." I replied picking her up and her dad brought her bags to my car and we left after I strapped her in her car seat and I was off. "Mamá avión." (mom plane) Odelia said. "Sí bebé avión." (yes baby plane) I replied as we pulled into the airport parking lot I parked and we got everything into the airport and checked in then waited for the plane to board.

"Mamá." I said when we finally got to the hospital after our long flight. "Idella, Odelia." She replied hugging me and Odelia. We talked for a few hours until Ruben texted me and told me the twins were on their way so I took Odelia and left to Ivan's mom's house. "Idella, Odelia, bienvenido a venir, siéntase como en casa." (Idella, Odelia welcome come in make yourself at home) She said letting us in. "Hola abuela." (Hello grandma) Odelia said hugging her. We sat down and talked for a while until the twins walked in and their mom started to cry when she saw them. When they finally let go Odelia ran and hugged Ivan then Emilio as I walked to then and hugged Emilio then Ivan so as usual I could hug him longer. "Why are you here?" Ivan whispered in my ear. "Mi mama esta enferma." (My mom is sick) I whispered in his ear then started to cry.

"Bebé." He said hugging me closer to him. "Ruben helped me surprise you guys though, he told me when you'd be coming and it happened to be when my mom got worst and I had to come see her." I said. "Idella." Emilio said joining the hug with Odelia in his arms and their mom joined as well. "Can we all go see her?" Emi asked as they pulled away from me. "Yeah of course." I replied so we all went to the hospital, their mom drove one car and Ivan joined me and Odelia in my car. "She's going to be ok." Ivan said taking my hand in his. "No she's not, she has a little while left." I said intertwining our fingers. "Does your mom know we're married?" He asked. "No it's not that I didn't want to it's just that she's sick and I haven't had time to tell her, we can tell her when we get there." I said as he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. "Here we are." I said parking the car. "Here we are." He replied and he got Odelia and we met up with the rest of his family and went to my mom's room.

"Mamá." I said hugging her once again. "I have Ivan Emilio y their mamá." I told her as they came closer. "mamá, Iván y yo fuimos a casarnos falsamente en junio, pero en realidad nos casamos." (Mom, Ivan and I went to get married falsely in June, but actually we got married) I told her after taking her hand and her eyes lit up. "Ustedes dos se casaron." (you two got married) She said hugging me then hugging Ivan. "Sí, y quería decirte, pero tu salud." (Yes, and I wanted to tell you, but your health) I told her. "Está bien cariño, lo entiendo pero lo sé ahora y antes de morir." (It's ok sweetheart I understand but I know now and before I die) She replied hugging both of us. The twins and their mom left after a couple of hours of just talking and hanging around.

"Mamá estoy cansada." (Mom I'm tired) Odelia said when it was getting late. "Ok bebé vamos a casa a los abuelos." (ok baby lets go home to grandpas) I replied we said bye to everyone then left to go to my dad's where we are staying. "Papá, estamos de vuelta." (Dad we're back) I called walking into the house. "Idella cariño como es tu madre?" (Idella sweetheart how is your mom) He asked hugging me. "Ella no es buena papá." (she isn't good dad) I replied hugging him a little tighter. "It's all going to hurt for a while but it will be ok." He told me. "Thank you dad." I said letting go and we got our bags in my room. The next day we went to the hospital and like I feared my mom passed away in the afternoon. "Ivan." I sobbed hugging him close to me. "Bebé, lo siento mucho." (Baby i'm so sorry) He replied kissing the top of my head.

"She's gone." I said gripping his sweater for dear life with Odelia hugging my legs. "Here." He said taking his sweater off and giving it to me. "Won't you get cold?" I asked. "You need it." He replied so I put it on then picked up Odelia before he wrapped his arms around me again. "We're here for you." Emilio said hugging us as well as their mom. "I know how you feel." Their mom said kissing my cheek they have been friends since before high school so I can see why she feels the same. "Idella, maybe take Odelia home for a nap." My dad said. "Yeah I think that's a good idea." I said. "I'll come with you." Ivan said. "You'll have to drive." I said and we left with Emilio and their mom. "Please don't do anything stupid." Their mom said hugging me again. "I have Odelia I need to bring back to her parents so I can't." I replied kissing her cheek then Ivan drove us home.

"I'm here for you." Ivan said taking my hand in his. "We knew it would happen, they couldn't help her." I replied. "Baby Dela is asleep." He said. "Thank goodness." I replied. "When are you two leaving?" He asked pulling into the driveway. "After the funeral." I replied. "So a few days?" He asked. "Yeah then we have to go back." I replied. "Will you come back for me and Emilio if we can't go back?" He asked. "Yeah of course I love you so much." I replied as he got baby Dela and we went to my room where my dad had made her a bed. "Come cuddle." I said when he was done tucking her in. "Of course." He replied crawling into bed with me. "If this is the last time you'll hold me, make it one to remember." I whispered under my breath. "Baby you know I will, you're my forever." He replied back making me smile.

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