Chapter 16

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"We are going to prank Jake and pretend to break his Rolex." Emilio said as he walked into my room. "No, he will get pissed at you if you do." I replied trying to make them not do the prank. "You're no fun." Emi said sitting beside Ivan and me. "I don't want you two to get hurt Jake is bigger and older than you two." I replied. "We will be fine." Ivan said. "Fine, I'll be in bed if you two get hurt." I told them then they left the room to film. I went down to get food and Ivan broke the fake watch making Jake pissed and followed them as Jake walked outside. I watched him push Ivan and went to make sure he was ok then helped him up while Emilio was still trying to talk to jake and tell him it was a prank. Then Ivan hugged him and Jake fell to the ground then Ivan was kissing his cheek. The next thing I know after watching them was all three of them in a dog pile in the middle of the road. They finally got up and I went back to my room while they did whatever.

"What are we doing today?" I asked the twins sitting on Ivan while they were playing video games. "This." Ivan said quickly kissing my cheek during a break in the game then went back to the game. "Do you two want food?" I asked resting my head against Ivan. "Sí." They replied so I kissed Ivan's cheek then went to go get us food. "What are you two doing?" I asked knowing something was up with Chance and Anthony. "We are pranking Ivan and Emilio." Chance replied. "Oh fun." I replied sitting inbetween them. "This is Ivan's girlfriend Idella." Anthony said. "Hello Chanthons." I said waving at the camera then got food before going to bring it to the twins then went to my room. A few minutes later I heard the guys and something breaking on the floor so I walked out of the room and watched.

Emilio went after the Xbox while Ivan went after the boys. As I watched them I noticed that Ivan was hurt so I walked into my room to get what I needed then snuck into the boys room and waited until the guys were done vlogging so I could help Ivan. "Thank you Idella." He said when I was done. "I don't need you or your brother hurt." I replied kissing him. "No, you don't get hurt either." He replied. "I won't and neither will Odelia." I said. When I was done I climbed into bed and cuddled with Ivan. "Ivan." Emi said walking into the room. "What?" He mumbled. "Do you know where Dela is?" Emi asked. "Yeah." Ivan replied. "Where?" Emi questioned. "With me." Ivan said pulling me close to him. "Can I cuddle?" He asked. "Of course." Ivan replied moving so we were all comfortable.

"What on earth is going on in here?" I asked walking into their room. "They cut my hair." Ivan said coming over and hugging me. "It's ok ducky, it's going to be fine." I replied hugging him to me. "Really?" I asked the other two boys in the room. "It's a prank." Emilio said. "It doesn't matter." I said kissing the side of Ivan's head. "Let's go lay in bed." I said crawling into bed then Ivan followed me. "It'll be ok." I whispered pulling him close to me and he hid his face against me. "We will fix it." I told him kissing his forehead. A little while later I made Anthony fix what he did while I went back to my room. "Hey Tessa." I said walking into our room. "Hey Dela." She replied. "Emilio and Tony cut Ivan's hair and he's mad now." I said sitting beside her. "Oh, that's never good." She replied as I put my head on her shoulder.

"How's life with Chance?" I asked her. "It's good, how's life with Ivan?" She asked. "It's great and interesting." I replied. "I believe it, dating either of the twins would be great and interesting especially Emilio." She said. "Yeah, I feel like I'm dating one and the mother of the other." I replied. "Would you change it do stuff over?" She asked. "Not at all, I'm fake married to my best friend and the love of my life." I replied. "Yeah that's how I feel." She replied as Ivan walked in. "Did they fix it?" I asked opening my arms for him and he got on the bed cuddling into my side. "Yeah." He replied. "Good." I replied wrapping my arm around him and pulling him close to me. "Mi mujer." (My wife) He said kissing my cheek. "Mi esposo." (My husband) I replied. "If you're going to be cute go do it on your own bed." Tessa said.

"Come on Ivan." I said pushing him off of the bed lightly then we went to my bed to cuddle. "I have something to tell you two." Jake said walking into the room and looking at Ivan and I with Erika and Chance while Tessa got up and stood beside Chance who wrapped his arm around her. "What?" I asked. "You two are actually married." He told us. "Yeah." Ivan said. "Ivan, sabes que Jerika y Chessa están casados ​​y son falsos?" (Ivan, you know that Jerika and Chessa are married false) I asked him. "Sí." He replied. "Jake dice que en realidad estábamos casados." (Jake is saying that we were actually married) I told him. "De verdad?" (For real) He asked. "Sí." I replied. "Really married?" He asked them. "Yeah, really married." Jake replied. "Is this a prank?" I asked. "No, you two are actually married." He replied.

"Nick." I said walking out of the room, they didn't stop me so I knew it was real and Ivan followed me. "Nick, Jake is saying Ivan and I are actually married." I said. "Yeah, they told the guy that you wanted a real one." He replied. "So we're married?" I asked. "You two are married." He replied. "Great, we don't have to get married now, NO WEDDING!" I yelled. "NO WEDDING!" Ivan then yelled before picking me up and ran to my room. "Are you two mad?" Jake asked walking into the room. "Well Odelia wasn't there." I replied. "We can make a ceremony with everyone if you two want." Jake said. "Yeah please, baby Dela would be sad if we got married without her." I replied. "True." He said then left.

"Do I have to move rooms?" Tessa asked. "No, we'll keep our rooms, I don't want to be with Ivan and have you stuck with three guys even if one is your fake husband." I replied. "Yeah I wouldn't be happy." She replied.

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