Shinra Building

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Capítulo 2: Shinra Building

After a couple of days, Tifa's anguish continued, as Cloud still did not appear. Wedge always offered to keep looking for Cloud at the suggestion of Percy, who still insisted on the "Now Is When" or N.I.W. tactic as he called it.

"Tifa..." Barret began to say nervously. "Still no word from Cloud, and we must continue our mission to destroy Shinra."

"Please, Barrett, leave her alone," said Jesse, who also apparently had feelings for Cloud for the way she lamented the former soldier's absence.

"It turns out that this guy named Don Corneo has valuable information that we can use against Shinra," Barrett began to say.

"Don Corneo?" Lydia asked.

"He's the mob boss of the "pink zone" of the city, he controls all the illegal activity regarding..." Biggs stopped when he saw Lydia.

"Oh... I understand." Lydia understood, and frowned.

"And how will we get that information?" wanted to know Wedge.

"Well.... You see, it seems that Don Corneo wants to settle down, that's why he has invited all the young ladies of age to get married to be "interviewed" with him, in order to decide who his future wife will be." Barret explained to them.

"Interviewed?" Jesse hissed with a disgusted hiss.

"Yes, and well... I think you girls could infiltrate and get the information out of Corneo," Barrett said, looking at Tifa and Jesse nervously.

"Barret, you must be joking!" shouted Biggs.

"It's true, they can't do that," Wedge criticized.

"All right, Barrett, I'll do it," said Tifa suddenly and everyone looked at her in amazement.

"Tifa, you're not thinking clearly," whispered Jesse.

"Cloud, he sacrificed himself for us, this is the least I can do," said Tifa nodding her head. "Jesse, you don't have to come, just one of us is enough to get the information out of him."

Jesse and Lydia tried to talk some sense into their friend, but Tifa was stubborn. In the end, Tifa was ready to go to the corneo wearing a flashy red suit.

"You're not going to that place alone." Decided Wedge.

"But Don Corneo only accepts girls entering his house," said Tifa.

"I don't care, I'll walk you to Corneo's house, and if I see anything wrong I'll come to your aid," said Wedge with aplomb.

"Thanks Wedge, I didn't really want to go there alone," Tifa confessed, and they both took a carriage and headed for Don Corneo's house.



"I hope Tifa is all right," said Percy after a while.

"Don't worry, Wedge is with her," said Lydia.

"I hate this wait, we should have gone with them," complained Percy.

"I'm also anxious, too, what if we're going to train with the Materia we bought," suggested Lydia and they both went to Barrett and the others, and asked them to go with them.

"That's a good idea," said Jesse.

"This is a good time to practice, are you sure you want to give us your Materia?" Biggs asked her.

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