The black knights

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Capítulo 12: The black knights

"Dyne, how did you get to go to Gold Saucer?" Barrett asked him once Dyne had recovered.

"I once captured one of those robots that throw people into this hellhole and reprogrammed it to come and go from Gold Saucer."

"That's bad, we're a lot, we'd need a lot of those things," Barrett complained.

"I don't have any more robots, but I have a buggy."

"That won't do us any good either, there are thirteen of us including you," Barrett pointed out to him by hitting the wall.

"I have a bulldozer, it's slow, but if we hook it to the trailer we can get out of here."

"Perfect. Hey, Dyne's got a plan to get us out of here!"

The group headed for the bulldozer and then hooked it to the trailer, which was cut in half horizontally and could carry everyone in the group.

When they tried to cross the desert, several worm-like monsters coming out of the ground tried to turn and stop the group, but both the bulldozer and the trailer were heavy and moving steadily.

"We did it! We did it!" Cait shouted happily.

"Now where to go, Barrett?" Dyne asked.

"Ask Wedge that, he's the leader."

"The leader? He looks a little young to be a leader, but all right. Tell me where Wedge."

"The best thing to do is to go to Gongaga, the nearest place to refuel."

"Gongaga? I thought the place was uninhabited," Lydia said, "it was all over the news, the village's mako reactor exploded and the shock wave swept the whole place for miles around."

"Yes," Wedge said, "but Shinra covered the news as usual, I heard that the villagers are still living in the ruined city, but they will surely have fuel for the bulldozer."

"Then let's go to that place," said Cait, and Dyne drove the bulldozer to Gongaga.



The friends approached the village, but first they had to go through the destroyed reactor, where they met the Turks.

"I can't believe this, Lydia," complained Percy exasperatedly, "these guys are really annoying, they look like that rocket pokemon team, they lose every time, but they keep coming back for more."

The enemies were upset with Percy's comparison, but as the cat boy said, they were eventually defeated and fled the scene.

"Well, at least they serve as sparrings that don't charge," said Yuffie and everyone laughed.

Upon arriving in Gongaga, they were able to see that the villagers were in a low mood and living as well as they could under the circumstances.

"All right," Wedge said, "get out of the trailer and find out where we can get some fuel."

The whole group asked around and found the precious fuel, but Aerith and Cloud did not return.

"I wonder where those two are?" Tifa asked between worried and jealous.

"I see the couple approaching our location," Nanaki told them.

Tifa wanted to scold them for taking so long, but she saw that something bad was happening.

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