The frustrated cosmonaut

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Capítulo 13: The frustrated cosmonaut

The group went to the mako reactor to meet Sephiroth, but it seems it was all a trap because there was only one monster in the reactor and they had to defeat it to get out of there.

"We'd better get out of Nibelheim," Wedge suggested, "we'll find clues to Sephiroth somewhere else."

As the group was about to leave the village, Percy saw in the distance some suspicious men in black habits heading off a cliff.

"We're too far away, you go, Percy!" Wedge ordered him, and Percy flew away in his cat shape.

When Percy returned, he told them that the men had made the "lemmings" into the abyss, but the curious thing is that they seemed to pronounce the name of Sephiroth.

Unable to solve this mystery, they all decided to go to the nearest town, which was Rocket City.



"Now I see why they call this place Rocket City," said Yuffie, impressed once they arrived in the city, and no one could blame her, as there was a huge rocket launch pad on the side of the town.

"Why is the rocket tilted?" Percy consulted them as he turned his torso and head to get a better view of the neglected launch pad.

"It's because Shinra cancelled the launch of the rocket," Lydia explained. "Shinra used to be a space explorer, but then went into the arms trade and the extraction of mako energy, which was what brought it the greatest benefits. I guess once the space program was cancelled, they didn't even bother to disarm the rocket."

"Isn't this a silly place to set up a village? It's right next to the rocket," asked Biggs.

"The village didn't exist before," Lydia told him, "I suppose the people wanted to make money from the rocket's shell as a tourist attraction and founded the village alongside it."

"Do you think there will be any clues about Sephiroth in this place?" Cait asked.

"We'll see about that now," Wedge said and ordered everyone to look for clues.

The group met after the search and Dyne told them that he had heard of a "captain" who might have information, so the group went to the famous man's house.

Upon arrival they were received by a woman named Shera, who looked like a scientist or a laboratory maintenance worker.

"What the...!" shouted a huge man with a cigar in his mouth. He looked unhappy to see so many people in his house.

"Captain Cid," Shera said nervously. "These people are looking for information about..."

"You are the ones from Shinra, aren't you? It's about time you two got here!" Cid shouted at them, confusing them with Shinra's emissaries.

Wedge cleared up the misunderstanding and Cid threw more insults.

Lydia and Percy didn't like that man because they (especially Lydia) didn't even use the word "asshole", but the adult would always let go of the loudest swearing they'd ever heard, and to the outrage not only of the girls, but also of the men, most of the insults were directed at Shera.

Wedge got up from his seat, but then thought better of it and decided to sit down again while biting his tongue.

"His house, his rules," Wedge thought so as not to criticize the man for his lousy attitude, which was also put into practice by the other members of the group.

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