The end of first love

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Capítulo 19: The end of first love

There was little time to save the city of Midgar and to make matters worse, they had to go to two very different places: the first, the mako reactor controllers in the basements of Shinra barracks; and the second, Hojo's laboratory at the top of the building.

"Well, we'll split into two groups," Wedge said. "Jesse, Biggs, Barrett, Dyne and Cid are going to stop the reactor overload. Tifa, Cloud, Vincent, Nanaki and I will go to Hojo and stop him."

The other members of the group protested but Wedge told them to shut up.

"Aerith, Yuffie, Cait Sith and Percy will go to the cells to free Reeve. You Lydia stay at the Highwind and I won't take a no for an answer. If you see that the reactor is about to explode, you're off with the Aerith team," Wedge ordered.

"Aerith," Wedge suddenly said, "I know you have unfinished business with Hojo about Zack and your real parents, but I need you to rescue Reeve because he knows where Marlene and your mother are. Barrett, I know you want to go with Aerith because of Marlene, but you and your group have some knowledge of machinery. The rest of us will go settle up with Hojo."

"But you have no accounts to settle with Hojo," said Cloud.

"You are mistaken, Hojo, he is responsible for creating Sephiroth, because of him Sephiroth eventually went mad and took away the most precious things from Tifa, Hojo is the real one responsible for making Tifa cry... I will never forgive him for that," said Wedge with an expression that implied to everyone that he would not accept criticism or replies.

"Wedge, thank you, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. Because of me you got hurt," Tifa apologized looking at Wedge.

"What are you talking about? If it was your strength that made me reach to Mideel and then get safe out of surgery. In fact, I apologize to you."

"Why should you apologize?" Tifa asked him with a strange surprise.

"For never having been your knight defender, all I can hope to do is to be your knight avenger," Wedge said, looking Tifa straight in the eyes and then there was a pause.

"Ass.... You turned out to be a good leader! Didn't you say we didn't have time? Mor..." Cid shook his head.

"You're right, captain, well, let's get going, let's get the parachutes and go into Midgar," said Wedge and everyone got ready to jump.

"Promise me you'll take care of yourself Percy," Lydia begged and cuddled him.

"Don't worry, our group's mission is simple compared to Jesse or Tifa's group," Percy reassured her and then kissed Lydia with passion.

"You too, promise you'll take care of yourself," Aerith said to Cloud and then kissed him.

Cloud was surprised and smiled at the girl, nodding his head like a child.

The entire group parachuted into their respective missions.



Aerith, Yuffie and Cait Sith landed softly, but a soldier of Shinra was already on them.

Yuffie who was the group's warrior enlisted to fight, however, it was not necessary as Percy fell on the soldier.

"I don't need a parachute," said Percy.

"Is he dead?" Aerith asked.

"I needed something to fall on," said Percy loose.

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