Lydia's power

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Capítulo 18: Lydia's power

Thanks to the healing potions, Wedge had a noticeable improvement, but had to use a wheelchair for the time being, as did Cloud, although the blond still had no improvement.

The Highwind returned with the group and they told them that they had protected the people of Corel and the fort condor from Shinra's attack, and had also obtained the huge Matter that was in those places.

Percy was watching the huge Materia with attention when screams were heard in the street.

"It's Weapon! He's coming to destroy everything! Let's get out of here!"

"Tifa, Aerith! Stay here and protect Wedge and Cloud!" Cid commanded as he cursed high and mighty.

"Weapon has a titanic size, what are we going to do?" Nanaki shouted.

"We can do nothing but defend this place," Yuffie said with courage.

"But we can't win only with will," said Cait in a frightened voice, despite the fact that his controller was safe in Midgar.

"We must sacrifice ourselves to save our friends," Dyne said resolutely.

"It is not necessary for someone to die," suddenly Percy said. "Lydia, do you think you can use 'Magic Tsunami'?"

"I'm sure, however, I won't be able to use that power immediately, I need you to buy me some time," Lydia asked decisively.

"You heard, Lydia has a plan, but we need to give her time! "Percy shouted at them.

"We don't have any more!" shouted Vincent.

"Then let's get something out of that son of a...!" Cid ordered and the whole group went to the place where the monster descended and set out to face him.

It seemed crazy to face such a colossus, yet they applied the tactics of Lydia and Percy. The ten friends, instead of fighting in threes or fours, all attacked together at once and without taking turns, they also surrounded the monster instead of attacking it head-on.

Fortunately, in Weapon, what was left over in size was lacking in his brain, as it was like attacking Shinra's robot that confronted them on the cut highway. Each time the monster prepared to attack, it would take a blow from either side or from the back and then turn around to confront its attacker. This process was constantly repeated, and the group began to become more confident.

"Look, Lydia's attack is coming!" Percy pointed to what appeared to be a gigantic tsunami approaching the group and everyone was scared.

"Fear not, Lydia's attack only harms the enemy!" Percy explained to them to reassure them, and in effect, the tsunami defeated Weamon, without harming anyone in the group.

"Unbelievable, not even the buildings in the village were damaged," said Barrett with his mouth open.

Friends began to celebrate and praise Lydia when an earthquake shook the whole place.

"Girls, get out of the hospital!" shouted Biggs and watched as Tifa and Aerith carried their friends in the wheelchairs as fast as they could, yet the floor opened and they were swallowed up by it.

"Cid, we have to do something!" Lydia shouted, but the tremors continued.

"Now we can't do anything, let's wait until the tremors are over!" Cid shouted.

Lydia Deetz and final fantasy VII (completed 22/22)Where stories live. Discover now