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Capítulo 16: Revelations

Under the direction of Cloud, the group headed north and finally came to a kind of archaeological dig. The scientists, who were a mixture of archaeologists and paleontologists, told them they saw a woman with their friend's description, who entered the forest.

The group entered the forest and as the scientists warned them, they were lost.

"Don't worry, with my sense of smell we can get out of here," Percy reassured them and turned into a cat.

"I hope your sense of smell gets us out of here because my sharp snout is unbalanced in this place," Nanaki excused himself.

"Don't be afraid Rintintin, my nose is magical and I can trace Aerith's magical aura as she possesses certain magical traits."

They arrived at the ruins of a city, this was nothing like what they had seen before, the structures, although few, were of a respectable size and were built according to a biological pattern, trying to imitate the living structure of nature.

Percy rushed to where Aerith's trail led him. It grew strong as they walked down stairs that seemed to lead to a reservoir of water.

Aerith was in a kind of roundabout with columns and above it was Sephiroth who was already falling on her with his sword drawn.

Percy flew to Aerith, but the speed wasn't good enough.

"Faster!" he thought in milliseconds and suddenly huge wings sprouted on his back, but the speed wasn't enough.

"MAX SPEED!" shouted the winged cat and his flight increased at a dizzying rate.

The winged cat held the girl and threw her at her friends.

"PERCYYY!" Lydia shouted as she saw Sephiroth piercing Percy's body with his sword.

Sephiroth, with a flick of his sword, threw Percy's battered body into the water and then vanished into thin air, but not before leaving another monster to fight the group.

The monster was another part of Jenova and began to attack them, yet he was no match for the entire mini-army in front of him.

Lydia was holding Percy's inert body and the other members of the group were comforting her, so a meowing sound was heard and a cat began to walk down the stairs.

Percy's body began to turn to ashes and the cat coming down the stairs turned into a cat boy. It was Percy!

The other members of the group didn't believe their eyes and tried to ask Lydia what the hell was going on, but the girl went upstairs and hugged Percy.

"I have seven lives left," said Percy as he hugged Lydia, "damn Beetlejuice, damn Sephiroth, because of them I've already lost two lives."

Lydia explained to the group that Percy could not die so easily because he had several lives, but she was still dismayed to see her boyfriend's dead body.

"Aerith, what the hell were you thinking coming to this place alone?"

"I only wanted to stop Sephiroth," the florist defended herself.

"Did you even have a plan?" Jesse asked him, and Aerith bowed her head in shame.

"I don't believe it, how can anyone be so stupid!" Yuffie suddenly shouted, and Cloud got angry and came up to Aerith and stood between her and the girls.

Lydia Deetz and final fantasy VII (completed 22/22)Where stories live. Discover now