The reconciliation

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Capítulo 8: The reconciliation

The march was the quietest and most uncomfortable the group ever had, but then Percy broke the silence.

"Guys, someone's following us."

"Who or what could be, Percy?" Lydia looked to the sides.

"A human, woman, very young, is very agile, cunning because she hides against the wind," Percy said, sniffing and waving his ears.

"My sense of smell and my ears also perceive someone hidden in the shadows," Nanaki confirmed.

The group exchanged nervous glances and rushed through, but the stalker seemed to be following in their footsteps.

"Nanaki I want you to help me" Percy asked him what Nanaki was surprised with but then nodded.

The group moved forward into an area with high vegetation and Nanaki took the opportunity to go after whom followed them as Percy did in the form of a black panther.

Whoever followed them realized he was being ambushed and decided to flee in a hurry but there was nothing he could do about it in the face of two accomplished predators.

Nanaki cut off the woman's step in front, hidden behind some bushes, began to move these to attract the woman's attention and when she was about to throw a giant shuriken, Percy appeared on her left side very close to her face.

"Clever girl," the woman muttered and Percy pounced on her and then Nanaki.

The group heard a woman scream and then a deadly silence. But after a minute they saw Nanaki and then Percy with his jaw holding a young girl by her underwear.

"Auch!" complained the young girl who appeared to be a ninja when she was thrown to the floor without any regard.

The free ninja already wanted to escape but Percy stopped her by putting a paw on her back, then he approached the girl's face and began to growl at her.

"Don't eat me! I surrender! Please don't eat me!"

Percy bit into the girl's head and started to shake her hard.

"Stop it, Percy, you'll kill her!" Lydia shouted in fear and Percy stopped.

"Sorry, sorry, I swear I won't do it again," said the ninja girl crying and sniffling.

Percy became a cat boy, although unlike the times he returned to his cat boy form after turning into a cat, this time he was naked.

"Percy, cover yourself!" Lydia ordered him, and clothes began to cover his naked body, which impressed everyone.

The girl introduced herself as Yuffie and claimed to be a ninja. She was following the group because she saw Percy and was intrigued by his cat boy nature.

According to the legends, it was the cat girls who taught the ninja techniques to my people, but as a human being was not powerful enough to learn all the techniques, the cat girls decided that each student should know at least one technique and in this way the various ninja clans of today were formed," Yuffie told them.

"Please let me come with you, I'll do anything, anything!"

"What do you say, Percy?" Lydia asked for his opinion.

"Why you ask Percy, I'm the leader," Cloud said.

"To see if she's lying," said Lydia.

"Let's see... No, she's not lying, her heartbeat tells me," Percy told them.

Lydia Deetz and final fantasy VII (completed 22/22)Where stories live. Discover now