True love

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Capítulo 20: True love

During the week Cait Sith who had nothing to do was disconnected by Reeve, leaving the four friends at ease.

"Is something wrong, Tifa?" Wedge asked her when she saw her friend with a sad look on her face.

"It's nothing Wedge, I was just watching Jesse and Biggs are all right candy in the back."

"Well, I'm happy for those two, although it's a little disturbing to see Biggs so smiling and dazed."

"You're right, Biggs always acted like the tough guy in the movie, just like Cloud."

"You know Tifa, when I met Cloud, I was very impressed, I mean, he said he had belonged to Soldado."

"But Cloud never belonged to Soldado."

"I know Tifa, what I mean is that I put Cloud on a pedestal, but in the end Cloud's cool attitude was just an escape from the fear he always carried with him."

"I remember that Cloud was very shy when I first met him, but after the accident in which I was in a coma for a week, he changed completely. That cool attitude and the cool attitude he had when he joined Avalanche were like a child's... I should have realized it sooner, so Cloud wouldn't have suffered with his false memories."

"There was nothing you could have done, if you had pressed him for sure he would have run away. I think you did very well from day one, and in fact in the end you helped Cloud to accept his true memories. You're great Tifa, I'm really sorry that in the end Cloud, well, that he and Aerith..."

"Don't worry, Wedge."

"I'm sorry, Tifa, I don't have the wood of a knight in shining armor, in the end I always end up ruining everything."

"Don't say that Wedge, you're an extraordinary leader, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have come so far, besides I'm not as bitter as I look, I'm happy for Aerith and Cloud."


"When the four of us were in the lifestream, I could see everyone's mind including my own. Cloud always wanted to approach me since I was a child, but those were the feelings of a child, what Cloud feels for Aerith instead, are the feelings of an adult, feelings already mature and defined."


"Your feelings Wedge also came to me. Strong, beautiful and pure feelings. Of the four of us, I still stand as a child, playing at being the girlfriend of someone who doesn't even notice me, playing at being the savior of that man who was so confused at heart, playing at being the super-powerful girl who could rescue Cloud from the bottom of the abyss... how stupid I am."

"Don't say that, Tifa, if there's a child here, it's me. I was always limited to tell you how much I liked you, I didn't want to contradict you at all and in the end I ended up overweight because of my damn shyness. In the end I wouldn't have done anything for myself if it hadn't been for the help of Lydia and Percy... Yes, in the end I couldn't do anything for myself."

"But Wedge, no one can do everything on their own, they need to lean on others, of course I'm the least adequate to tell you that, I also tried to do everything myself, I even went away from my master Zangan and wanted to run the bar by myself."

"How about we both agree we're just a couple of idiots in the end, so we don't argue about who's the dumber of the two," Wedge said with a mischievous smile that made Tifa laugh.

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