The longing for a gentle smile

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Capítulo 21: The longing for a gentle smile

After Wedge had changed, he ordered the Highwind to descend through the northern crater and they reached a kind of esplanade through which they could not advance any further, so they decided that the fifteen companions would go on foot from there.

The interior of the gigantic crater had a bizarre look, like something out of another world, and the worst part was that it was full of monsters due to the mako energy of the place.

The group made their way to the depths of the crater and reached the bottom of it, however, they no longer found a natural landscape, but rather a series of artificial platforms on which they had to face massive monsters.

"This must be Sephiroth's work," said Tifa and the whole group went on.

After crossing the platforms and defeating all the adversaries, they arrived at a kind of temple where the monster Jenova was waiting for them.

"I see she has the head now, Sephiroth surely put it on her," Lydia pointed out to them as she saw the monster.

Jenova was very much like Hojo's monster, with the difference that Hojo's monstrous form was an aberration with tentacles, while Jenova had a well-defined and not so amorphous female form despite the tentacles she possessed.

The monster presented a more difficult challenge than the previous monsters, however, in the end it was also defeated by the fifteen members who went deeper into the temple.

Without warning, they felt Sephiroth's sight resting upon them and then they were lifted into the air without any control of their bodies and feeling an invisible force trying to dismember them.

"My legs and my tail, I think they'll come off at any moment." Nanaki howled in pain.

"The power of Sephiroth is on a very different level from ours."

"Mother, help us," Aerith prayed and took out the Sacred Materia, which she inherited from Ifalna. Then, the materia flew over them like a floating orb and emitting a light counteracted the power of Sephiroth.

"Is everyone all right?" Wedge asked in pain and everyone said yes.

"All the tricks are over, now the real battle is on," Cloud said.

"Come out, you coward! Biggs challenged him and Sephiroth materialized in front of the group.

However, Sephiroth had already ceased to be human and was now in the form of a massive monster, almost as big as the monsters Weapons of the planet.

"It's as big and dark as a mountain in the night." Jesse cried.

"Don't panic, we must attack him," said Vincent.

"Let's kick Sephiroth's f...!" Cid shouted and they all went to attack the final enemy.

The giant monster was very strong and made the group do their best to use magic and healing potions every time. In the end, the friends were victorious after the arduous battle.

"Thank goodness, I couldn't take it anymore," said Yuffie exhausted and the group began to celebrate the victory.

"What's that?" Cait Sith said as he felt the sound of the flapping of wings approaching them.

"It's Sephiroth!" Percy shouted, pointing at the top of the group.

Like Hojo, Sephiroth had a second transformation, but unlike the mad scientist, his was not an abomination, but rather it seemed to be in the form of an angel coming from heaven to judge and destroy men.

Lydia Deetz and final fantasy VII (completed 22/22)Where stories live. Discover now