Lydia's cry

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Capítulo 9: Lydia's cry

The boat was getting farther and farther away from Junon and everyone started to get nervous.

"Cloud hasn't shown up yet!" Tifa shouted once everyone gathered in the cellar.

"Take it easy, Tifa," said Percy calmly. "Cloud is here on the boat."

"Whaaat!" shouted several members of the group.

"My senses don't smell anything from our leader," said Nanaki.

"Remember that I am not a cat, but a cat boy, my senses are more developed than yours. Besides, I'm better looking than you!" Percy said with a pose between arrogant and flirtatious.

"Concentrate Percy, concentrate" Lydia asked him.

"Emmm... Yes, I'm better looking because I'm a feline and..."

"No, the other thing, Percy." Lydia insisted, a little impatient.

"Oh yes!... Cloud is on this ship... and as for that about our leader, Nanaki, I have something interesting to tell you," Percy said with a malicious gesture.

"What's going on?" Aerith asked him.

"Well, that the heartbeat of our beloved and overly drooling leader," Percy let them go, looking intently at Tifa, Jesse and Aerith, "indicates that he entered the ship no matter what our bitter and cruel fate was."

"What do you mean?" Jesse asked him frowningly.

"To be the only one with a technical degree, you are the dumbest."

"Percy!" Lydia yelled at him.

"I mean, Cloud doesn't know we're on this boat.... Nooo, he's only interested in finding Sephiroth alone, and to the hell with us, that's what I mean," Percy said with a smug expression.

"That can't be true," Tifa cut him off.

"Suuure," Percy continued in a mocking face and voice, "you can ask Cloud when you see him, he'll put his angel face on and tell you it's not true. You can be good at lying, but you know, heartbeats never lie!"

"You must be the one who's lying," said Aerith frowning.

"I could lie to you, but I would never lie to Lydia. Well, Lydia, ask me."

"Is it true what you said about Cloud? He went on the boat alone without knowing we were here?"

"Yes, he entered the boat without knowing that we were here," Percy replied, staring at Lydia.

"We have to find Cloud," said Tifa.

"Wait a minute! Don't you remember what I told you about not being all together in one place," Wedge shouted. "If Cloud's on the boat, he'll talk to us one by one, so don't ruin it."

"Wedge is right," said Biggs, "it's best to ask him separately."

When Cloud found them one by one, they all let go of the sermon and Cloud had to lower his head every time.

"I couldn't hurry to you, I had to attend the parade." He excused himself every time.

"But you could have come down and opened the door for us later, couldn't you?" They always answered him.

"And the worst part is that I can't hit you, because it would attract attention," Barrett scold him when the ship's alarms sounded.

"What are we going to do now?"

Lydia Deetz and final fantasy VII (completed 22/22)Where stories live. Discover now