Wedge's sacrifice

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Capítulo 17: Wedge's sacrifice

The group woke up and noticed to their indignation that they were bound in the same way as when they were imprisoned at Shinra's headquarters in Midgar. At least on that occasion, Rufus' father let them talk and then made fun of them, but Rufus ordered them to cover their mouths so they wouldn't say anything.

Rufus' ship headed for Junon and sent the 14 prisoners to the cells. There the group had more freedom as they removed their handcuffs and electric collars, and also stopped covering their mouths.

Junon had more cells than Shinra's main building in Midgar, so they weren't as tight as the last time. In the cells however, Lydia and Percy noticed the absence of Tifa and Cloud.

"Tifa hit her head and is in the prison infirmary," said Barrett.

"And Cloud?" Percy asked.

"When Weapon woke up from his sleep, the floor cracked and Cloud fell through one of the cracks," said Aerith, and then she started to cry. Jesse hugged her friend to comfort her.

"We didn't realize that Cloud fell through a crack," lamented Lydia, "it all happened so fast that we ran straight to Rufus' ship."

"I'm sorry," said Nanaki, "this is all my fault, if I hadn't handed over the Black Materia to Sephiroth, I mean Jenova, none of this would have happened."

"You don't have to blame yourself Nanaki, Lydia and I were also present and couldn't do anything about Jenova's tricks ," Percy comforted him.

"That's right, the fog cut off all attempts at movement and Jenova with his powers pretended to be Cloud," Lydia pointed out and then the three of them told their friends how Jenova, disguised as Cloud, stole the Black Materia from them.

The group exchanged a lot of information and found out about Sephiroth's plans.

With the black Materia Sephiroth, not only did he regenerate himself, but he would summon a meteorite that would collide with the planet, which would use enormous amounts of the vital current to regenerate itself, Sephiroth would use that energy to become a god, something that Jenova did not achieve before, and thus would rule the planet forever.

"Can you see the meteorite in the sky yet?" Lydia wanted to know, and everyone looked at the sky or the little they could see from their tiny windows.

"I can see it a little," said Percy, who had the sharpest vision of all, "but it will certainly be very visible to everyone in a week's time."

Percy tried to use his superhuman strength and escape in the shape of a cat, but like Midgar, it was impossible for him to escape.

Every day that passed the group tried to explain to the guards that they were only trying to save the planet and that it was best to let them go, but they were trained men and were not convinced. On the third day, Rufus himself went to see them and the group tried to talk some sense into him, but Rufus told them that they would rot in prison for the rest of their days.

"At least let the children go!" Wedge begged him, referring to Lydia, Yuffie, and Percy.

"I think I'll let little Morticia go," said Rufus with a laugh, "but the ninja and the cat boy are very troublesome. Those two will be in jail for a good couple of years until I break their spirits, in fact, they may even end up working for me."

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