Fleeing from Midgar

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Capítulo 3: Fleeing from Midgar

The group came out of the bathrooms and decided to follow Professor Hojo, who would surely know where Aerith was.

Hojo went to his labs and started talking to an animal that was in containment in an armored glass cage, then left the place and Lydia and the others searched around.

There were several biological containers and in one of them there was a kind of headless humanoid, the container had a mark that reads Genova. Cloud looked at the beheaded humanoid and had some kind of attack.

"What's wrong with Cloud?" Tifa and Jesse asked worried, but no one seemed to know the answer.

Lydia frowned as she noticed something strange in Cloud's aura but could not specify what it was.

After the emergency and Cloud had recovered, the group toured the site and arrived at Aerith. The florist was locked in a huge cell of armored glass.

"Aerith, don't worry, we'll get you out of there!" Cloud shouted at her.

"Do you know any way to open the cell?" Lydia asked her.

"Yes, you must press those buttons and lower the lever on the left," Aerith explained, but Hojo appeared at the scene and ordered them to stop.

Suddenly, a trapdoor was opened in the middle of Aerith's cell and the animal that Hojo was confronting came up through it, it looked like a kind of wolf adorned with feathers and beads.

"Lydia, please!" Aerith shouted and Lydia operated the controls by opening the cell.

Cloud immediately jumped into the cell ready to face the strange wolf, but was astonished to see the animal introduce itself and offer to help him out of the building.

Hojo fled the place and the group set out to follow him, but the man released one of his experiments and they had to face him.

"I am very grateful to you for trusting me," Nanaki told them at the end of the battle and began to tell them how he was captured.

Lydia was impressed by Nanaki's courteous, retro style, but Percy was not amused.

Nanaki asked to accompany the group but Percy had his reservations.

"Felines and canines don't share a boat," he said with a frown.

"Percy, don't say that! Of course you're welcome to join us," Lydia said.

The other members did not object and Nanaki became a member of the group.

The group entered an elevator but then the Turks appeared in the adjacent elevator and set off a gas trap that facilitated the capture of the intruders.

Under the effects of the gas, they could do nothing to prevent the Turks from putting shackles and electronic rings around their necks to restrict their movements. They were then taken to Shinra's president and he told them that they would be executed for having demolished Sector 7 over the city.

"Damn you," roared Percy and received a shock that immobilized him.

"Take them to the cells awaiting execution," said the president laughing.



The cells were small but they had to share them. The four girls were in one cell, while the four boys shared the other, Nanaki and Percy were taken by animals and put in another.

Lydia Deetz and final fantasy VII (completed 22/22)Where stories live. Discover now