The unfortunate phrase

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Capítulo 7: The unfortunate phrase

The group toured the base of the mountain range and finally managed to find the cave through which they could pass to the other side of the continent, however, the access proved to be very narrow for the chocobos.

"Apparently we'll have to leave the chocobos in this place," said Cloud.

"Damn it, I'm sorry, Lydia, but in the end we wasted your money," Barrett apologized.

"Don't say that, Barrett, money is nothing compared to the safety of the planet, I'm just sorry to have to leave our friends to their fate," lamented Lydia, stroking Death Fast's neck.

"Don't worry, Lydia, we'll take their saddles and harnesses off, remember that they're faster than zolom snakes so they won't get hurt," Percy reassured him.

The friends got out of the chocobos and took away their saddles and harnesses.

"Promise me you'll take care of yourself. Quick death," Lydia whispered to him as she hugged the chocobo.

"QUACKKKKK" the chocobo croaked proudly and nobly to her, and along with the others they headed back to the swamps.



The group entered the caves to find the right step to take them to the other side, when they met nothing less than the Turks.

The enemies were arrogant and said that rumors had it that Sephiroth was in Junon, and then they proceeded to fight. The Turks thought they were invincible but did not count on the tactics of Lydia and Percy, so they were defeated quickly and fled the scene.

Following the route taken by the Turks, they left the mountain range on the other side of the continent and made their way to the city of Junon.

"We have to go through a place called Fort Condor before we get to Junon," Cloud told them as he looked at the map and they all headed for the fort that was nestled in a mountain.

After several hours, they arrived at the fort and had to climb a rope to enter the complex. Nanaki had to be helped by Percy.

Once upstairs Nanaki, the girls, especially Tifa, ordered the men to go up first for obvious reasons. Percy helped Lydia up the stairs so she wouldn't hurt her hands climbing the rough rope.

As they toured the strong condor, they discovered that it was inhabited by people fighting against the multinational Shinra. Apparently the multinational wanted to appropriate the power of the local mako energy and in doing so would destroy the nest of a condor of gigantic proportions.

The group went up to the fort's observatory and saw the giant condor's nest. The bird was gigantic and imposing and at that time was hatching several huge eggs.

"Superb," said Biggs.

"I've never seen such a huge bird before," Wedge admitted.

"Look at those big eggs," said Tifa, impressed.

"They're very beautiful," Aerith pointed to the eggs.

"They look delicious," Percy drooled and Jesse, who was standing next to him, elbowed him on the head.

"Auch, Lydia..."

"You deserve it" he was not comforted by Lydia and Percy looked sad, so Nanaki laughed.

Lydia Deetz and final fantasy VII (completed 22/22)Where stories live. Discover now