Wedge versus the giant

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The song that Wedge sings is the one that was used as the opening song of the television series: Highlander.


Capítulo 10: Wedge versus the giant

The group entered the complex and were talking about which way to go and there was so much ground to cover, but Barrett was still struggling after passing through Corel.

"Barrett, let's go play in the games, let's have fun," said Aerith and everyone looked at her incredulously.

"Hey Aerith, what do you think you're doing?" whispered Tifa as she pushed her away from the giant.

"He's just so depressed," said Aerith.

"And that's how you want to cheer him up!" Tifa said incredulously.

"Of course, the best thing for these cases is to act as if nothing had happened," said Aerith, sure of herself.

"Are you sure this is how it works?" Tifa doubted.

"Of course, trust me," Aerith said resolutely and again went to Barrett's and suggested that he go have fun.

As expected, the giant became furious and cursed himself out of the place.

"Wow, the best thing to do is to leave Barrett alone," Wedge sighed, "the rest of you go in pairs and look around the place."

"I'll go with Cloud," Tifa said hastily, so that Percy wouldn't go ahead and decide who the blond would go with as he did last time.

"Don't even think you won the game," Percy thought, looking at the woman maliciously.

"I think you, Aerith and Jesse have spent a lot of time with Cloud already," Percy said arrogantly. "I think you should give Yuffie a little chance since she's the newest member of the group."

"What! I don't like the blond guy," Yuffie tried to say, but Percy pushed her hard with his tail towards Cloud.

Yuffie had to hug Cloud in order not to fall, who also hugged the ninja so that she wouldn't fall to the ground.

"See, if they look good, both of them hugging each other, as if they were lovers running away from the law because of the age difference" smiled Percy maliciously and Tifa frowned and was about to answer him but the cat boy interrupted him.

"Ch, ch, ch, no matter how attractive you are, Tifa, you won't be able to compete against Yuffie's youth. Never!"

"What did you say!"

"Wow, it seems that the breasty lady can no longer hear well, well that happens with age... It is, the cycle of life: you are born, you grow, you age..."

Percy pretended to be scared and took Lydia's hand and ran to one of the entrance slides.

"Oh no! Don't even think about running away from this Percy!" Tifa shouted and ran after the cat boy.

"I'd better go after those two fools, I just hope Lydia will control the situation until I gets there," said Wedge sighing and went after Tifa.

Jesse and Biggs looked at each other frowning.

"What are you looking at?" Biggs asked.

"Me? Not too much," said Jesse, looking down on Biggs from top to bottom.

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