The food challenge

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Capítulo 6: The food challenge

When the new day came and they finally arrived at the chocobos farm, but to their dismay, all the chocobos had been sold or were in stock. The managers could only sell them the Chocobo Materia, which served to attract the birds, so they could capture them and then bring them to the farm, where they would domesticate them and put them in chairs and harnesses so they could ride them. They were also sold various chocobos food to facilitate the capture of the animals.

After what they considered an eternity, they finally managed to catch several chocobos and took them to the farm. Percy won when he caught an imposing and intimidating looking chocobo, which was black and at least three times larger than a normal chocobo.

"This chocobo is for you, Lydia" Percy offered her, so Lydia was happy.

"What will you call it?" Percy asked her.

"I think I'll call it Quick Death," Lydia decided with a smile and Percy brought the chocobo to the farm with the other captured birds.

"Wow," whistled the store manager when he saw the black chocobo, "well, I'll have yuor chocobos ready in a couple of days."

"What will we do in the meantime?" Biggs asked Cloud.

"I think we'd better go to Kalm and buy everything we need."

Since they had no choice, they had to return to Kalm. The road to the city was heavy, even the fighting with the occasional wandering monsters did not take away the slumber that friends had to suffer, and after the fighting they resumed the heavy walk.

"You look exhausted, Tifa. Now will you let me help you?" Wedge offered his help in a polite manner.

I" don't know, Wedge, I'm a little embarrassed that you're carrying me by piggyback," admitted Tifa.

"I see, well, there's a solution to that," said Wedge with a thoughtful gesture, and standing beside Tifa, he lifted her at the waist and then made her sit on his right shoulder.

"Wedge, no!" Tifa protested, but Wedge ignored her and started walking with impressive ease.

"See, that's better," Wedge reassured her, "because you'd be sorry to have to put both legs around my neck and carry you on my shoulders, too."

"Wow Wedge, when you became so strong," said Tifa, impressed by the way Wedge carried her sitting on his right shoulder, showing no sign of tiredness.

"Hey! I've always been this strong," Wedge replied happily, "I just fell for the charm of the dishes you were cooking, Tifa."

"You mean, is it my fault you were overweight?" Tifa said sadly and nervously.

"What? No! I'm just saying that your food is so delicious that I thought that was the best moment of my life, although of course, I think I'll have to limit myself once we finish our mission... It'll be a real ordeal to have to endure the temptation to repeat your delicious delicacies, Tifa!" Wedge whimpered melodramatically and pretended to cry.

Tifa laughed and they continued on their way to Kalm.

Once they arrived in the city, they took rooms and after resting and cleaning up, they divided up tasks to go shopping and selling everything they needed to continue the trip.



Late at night, Tifa found herself alone in the high courtyard of the inn, looking up at the stars and with an anguished expression.

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